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Why do I pee during sex???

Tagged as: Dating, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (30 December 2010) 10 Answers - (Newest, 13 January 2011)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

My boyfriend and I have a great relationship and a great sex life. We talk about everything and are very comfortable with each other. During sex, I usually come a lot, and again and again but lately I've been having trouble coming during sex. It's very frustrating for me because I have no idea why. It still feels good but I can't climx. So he has started finishing me with his fingers. But instead of coming one day, I also pee'd. I got really embarrassed but he was completely fine with it and said these things happen. But it keeps on happening, every single time. I go to the bathroom beforehand but it doesn't do any good. I'm starting to get really down about it because I worry I might pee and stop him before I climax. Is there something wrong with me? Is there anything I can do to stop all this and get back to the way things were only a short time ago? Please help if you can.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (13 January 2011):

From what you're saying, its not urine. Its something like an orgasm but not exactly. When your "g-spot" gets aroused. It tends to swell because it is filling with a liquid that is similer to urine. But it is not urine

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A male reader, The Kid With 3 Freckles Canada +, writes (2 January 2011):

Your partner may be trying to stimulate you on the upper part of the vagina where the "pee" comes out. If you can fight the urge to pee or if your partner doesn't mind being peed on, I hear this can be a very pleasurable stimulation. If your unable to fight it ask your partner to stimulate the G spot or another area.

Yeah, I have too much time on my hands...

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A male reader, Flashtony United Kingdom +, writes (1 January 2011):

This is not pee, it is a squirting orgasm, enjoy it!

It is caused by your bf using his fingers on the front wall of your vagina about 2 inches inside, rubbing the 'urethral sponge' the ridged area of the vaginal wall, your g spot... which fills with fluid and then because you relax and let it go... You squirt, It should be really enjoyable and most men would get a real kick from being abe to turn you on that much!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (31 December 2010):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

The first time it happened, it was definitely pee but I remember needing to go but didn't want to interrupt the intimacy. But every other time, I've not been sure, so perhaps it is squirting because it does feel amazing when it happens. Thank you to everyone for all the helpful advice and thank you everyone for reassuring me! I must be ejaculating because it feels goodI do feel a whole lot better now!

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A female reader, largentsgirl89 United States +, writes (30 December 2010):

largentsgirl89 agony auntAre you 100 percent sure that the fluid is urine and not female ejaculate?

I thought the same thing when I first started having sex with my current bf, but it turns out that he just really knows what he is doing and really turns me on so I cum a lot more than I used to.

If you are in doubt as to what the fluid is then I would discuss it with your doctor, as a professional who sees this sort of thing all of the time I'm sure he/she will have no problem answering all of your questions.

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A male reader, TimmD United States +, writes (30 December 2010):

TimmD agony auntAs the others have said, this is not peeing. You are "squirting" which, in many mens eyes, is not only not a bad thing... but many times a turn on. It's a sign that you are enjoying yourself.

I know it's hard to believe, but try not to worry about it. In fact, enjoy it. There are guys out there that spend years TRYING to get their partners to squirt like you.

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A male reader, Honest Answer United States +, writes (30 December 2010):

Honest Answer agony auntI don't think you are peeing. Some women do produce a natural sex fluid – particularly at the point of orgasm. If it really bothers you, discuss it with a doctor.

Good Luck!


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A male reader, anonymous, writes (30 December 2010):

Are sure it's Urine? It may well be a bodily liquid referred to as female ejaculation.

It is my understanding that most, if not all, women produce this phenomenon when in a sufficiently relaxed and manically powerful state of Orgasm.

Though most women apparently don't reach that level. But there are some that make careers out of it. It is called 'Squirting'. It may just be a porn thing, but women in these videos seem to reach a state of prolonged and artificially stimulated orgasm... usually by a mechanical sex aid of some sort. Though in rare cases I have seen women accomplish the feat by human stimulation alone. But these are not common.

Again research into this subject is advised and if it really bothers you, go and see your GP and have a chat to them about it.

Flynn 24

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A female reader, madasshell1 United States +, writes (30 December 2010):

Im no sex expert but it seems to me you are experiencing female ejaculation, which resembles urine. It's viscosity is very thin, water like, like urine, however it is not urine. It's like male semen without the sperm. It comes from the female version of the males prostate gland called the g spot. If this happens when he stimulates you manually then this more than likely is female ejaculation, because he has direct contact with your g spot. If you have emptied your bladder before hand rest assure that it is not urine. Its different from cumming vaginally, as this is derived from your g spot. I freaks some out, because not all women are capable of female ejaculation. But rest assure it's not urine.

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A male reader, Jeseh. Kenya +, writes (30 December 2010):

Jeseh. agony auntIf you pee before sex then i dont think that is pee it might be that you are squirting

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