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I'm worried about travelling with her family - is this normal?

Tagged as: Dating, Family<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 November 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 21 November 2008)
A male United States age 30-35, *ryanz writes:

Alright. Well first, I have to tell you that this is about my girlfriend and me having not really problems, but my head is twisted.

Okay. I am only 13 years old, she is 14.

She asked me to go back to both of where we are from. This is overseas and I am really scared, we will be going with her parents but im scared because whats it going to be like? I am very polite to them and nice, I bought her parents a gift for there aniv. I bought my girlfriend a gift for our 1year. I am very comfortable around her so thats not a issue, im worried about just traveling with her family. Like, how are they going to feel? Will they appreciate me? Is it normal for me to be scared about this? Should I go?

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A female reader, molly4 Australia +, writes (21 November 2008):

molly4 agony auntjust be polite, dont say or do anyhting innapropriate and just be yourself. and dont try too hard lol

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A female reader, MuffinGirl Netherlands +, writes (20 November 2008):

MuffinGirl agony auntYou know how to act, as you said you're polite and that's the thing that most parents appreciate. I'd suggest you to go, if that was your girlfriend invitation and if you want to go.

You seems nice guy, so act nice and polite in front of her parents too and you won't have any problems.

Good luck and enjoy your trip.

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