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How often do you see your boyfriend or girlfriend?

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Question - (25 June 2010) 8 Answers - (Newest, 25 June 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, *bonyBlossom writes:

I really hate spending a whole day without my boyfriend. I hate the thought of going for a day without him and when he's gone I miss him so bad. Whatsmore is that with my exes I often used to go days on end without them and relied on msn but my current boyfriend I do see every day, even if it's for a short while. Is it normal at my age to see my boyfriend every day? How often do you see your boyfriend or girlfriend? Should I be really grateful for how much time we spend together? It's just I don't know how many other people my age experience the same thing as me when their partner is away when they're hardly ever apart.

View related questions: msn, my ex

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A male reader, showoff201 United States +, writes (25 June 2010):

No relationship is the same! I try to see my girlfriend as often as 2 a week but I text her on a regular base and I call her every night!

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A female reader, loner South Africa +, writes (25 June 2010):

loner agony auntHi.. I actually like the sound of this.. My bf stays exactly 6 blocks from me I see him maybe every 2nd week.. The last time I saw him was 3 weeks ago.. We both work full time. He has his own business so his ALWAYS busy.. Sometimes my phone calls are never answered and sometimes I don't answers his call... Lol.. The best to do is keep yourself busy well the other person is busy.. His going away on business for 3 months.. I'm completely excited about it, don't ask I don't know why, I just really very happy for him.. Like they say absence makes the heart grow fonder.. If you find yourself thinking about him maybe think about something else, the times you spend together mean more then seeing one another every day.. Ps we use to see each other every day, now both of us are so busy with our lives and when we spend that night together a movie or supper or both it means so much more.. Just hold in there.. Xxx

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A female reader, Accountable United Kingdom +, writes (25 June 2010):

Accountable agony auntIm 18 and I don't see my boyfriend very often, as I'm at college and he's at university in another city.. usually I stay with him for a week every 6 weeks or so, and yeah, it does suck being apart, but I think it makes us stronger as a couple, and it makes us really appreciate the time we get to spend together :) over holidays he comes back home but we both work, so we see each other a little more frequently, but don't have that every-day thing a lot of my friends have with their boyfriends who go to our college.

I do spend a lot of time missing him, but I know that I'm happier being with him even if we're not physically together all the time. What I'm trying to say is for us, the relationship is worth it even despite the lack of daily physical contact, and if you and your boyfriend are really close I'm sure you'll find ways of dealing with the distance when you go to university :) hope I helped! x

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A female reader, Sincerely Yours United States +, writes (25 June 2010):

Sincerely Yours agony auntYou're just way into him :)

When I was your age (ok, so I am your age)... when I was first dating my husband, I could hardly go a nano-second without seeing him. (sucked when basic training came around). I saw him after school, after work, I snuck out to see him, lied about spending the night at friends' houses to see him, etc.

And then we got married and I'm still the same way. (sucked when 18 month deployment came around).

I just depends on who you're with, what you do together, and how much you like him.

And just because most people your age don't see their bfs as much as you do, doesn't mean you should see him, if you can. Maybe theyre just not as lucky as you are.


don't forget to leave time for your friends and family. You wouldn't want to be the friend that no one's seen in a while because the only person she cares about any more is her bf.

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A female reader, iamcheep Australia +, writes (25 June 2010):

hello dear . i can see you are in love . a day with your boyfeind is worth a thousand else where . do you really pine for him . i see you looking out through the rain drops on the widdow pain.watching the clock, waiting. i think you should make him a special irish stew for tea. lots of vegies to keep him healthy. young love oh how sweet it is . like a deer pants for the water so do you pant for him . will he bring you a rose so red like your lips and wine as pink as your cheeks . your eyes are the colour of the deepest sea and your hair is as dark as a storm . he will be home soon so wipe them tears away. so take some advise from some one old and gray . keep that candle in the window so he will know the way home .keep it burning till the break of day .

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A female reader, EbonyBlossom United Kingdom +, writes (25 June 2010):

EbonyBlossom is verified as being by the original poster of the question

EbonyBlossom agony auntI go to college four days a week and he works four days a week. My college and his workplace are in the same city. We live about 30 miles apart but he stays over at mine before a workday because I live nearer to the city, and I stay at his once every other weekend. I go to dance classes in the evening so we do spend some time apart, some days we can be together for the whole day, some days we are together for the whole evening/night, and some day we only see each other for an hour or two. Thing that's worrying me is I've just got a new job which requires me to work two nights a week, time that we would normally spend together. I'm also going to uni in september and although I'll still be living at home, uni is much further away than college so I'll be away for longer due to travel and being there five days a week instead of four. I'm a bit worried about how this is going to affect how much less I'll see him. Hopefully soon he'll have his own place so I can stay over whenever I haven't seen him.

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A female reader, HP1993 United Kingdom +, writes (25 June 2010):

HP1993 agony auntI can honestly say i'm exactly the same :) i can go a day without seeing him, but it's nice when i dont have to.

Though there are days when i like some me time. Just keep that in mind. Absence makes the heart grow fonder! X

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A female reader, k_c100 United Kingdom +, writes (25 June 2010):

k_c100 agony auntIts hard to give one standard answer to this one - it depends on your current circumstances. I mean if you go to school or uni together, and live close by then there is no reason to not see each other every day - it is pretty normal.

But if one person is working, the other is studying, and you both have other committments in the evenings, then it would also be pretty normal to have a few nights/days away from each other.

I personally see my boyfriend every day, we both work full time but always have dinner together and I will stay at his or he will be at my house. It just feels right for us and we enjoy being together, plus he lives really close by so it would be a bit weird not seeing each other frequently. But for other people they need their own space, like their own company and would feel suffocated by spending too much time together. So it really depends on the couple - what they feel happy with and what they want to do.

If you and your boyfriend are both happy seeing each other every day, you dont feel like you see too much of each other, you are not getting annoyed with each other - then you dont have a problem.

In my opinion you are going down a dangerous path if you cannot even spend a day apart - yes it is nice to miss someone but if you can no longer bear to be alone and rely on one other person that much then this is not good, the key to a successful relationship is maintaining who you are as a person, remaining an individual rather than just one half of a couple. If you lose your identity, if you lose all sense of who you are as a person, then this wont do any favours for your relationship. You will run out of things to talk about because you no longer have any seperate interests, you will just become one of those boring couples you see in restaurants who barely speak to each other because they have got to the point where they see each other so often they have nothing new to say.

So it is critical that you keep a sense of independence - dont rely on him for everything. Have hobbies that make you happy, have good friends who you can visit without him and have a laugh with them, make sure you dont neglect your family in favour of him - all these things will actually make your relationship better. You were an individual before you met him, so make sure you maintain some sense of that otherwise you will just become half of a couple.

I hope this helps and good luck!

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