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Do I wait a week then ask her again?

Tagged as: Friends, Three is a crowd, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (7 December 2008) 4 Answers - (Newest, 7 December 2008)
A male United Kingdom age 36-40, *IFI212 writes:

I like this girl and was unsure whether she liked me or not. We had kissed on a couple of occasions, but it didn't necessarily mean she liked me as we were both drunk and as most will know these things happen. Anyway, I was at a party and she was there, I tried talking to her but I got the impression she wasn't interested, but I was really quite drunk and so was she, so maybe I just read her signals wrong. As a result of this I thought well fair enough, it won't matter if I kiss someone else, and by the end of the night I had kissed three girls and slept with one of them, although we didn't have sex it was just fingers, because I didn't want a random to be my first time. However, she found out, and as it turned out she does like me and admitted that she doesn't really show a guy she likes, that she does like them. She is very annoyed about it, because she thought I was different and didn't just sleep with the first girl I met, which is true because normally I don't.

She told me that we should just stay friends though because every time we kissed she would think of this other girl, who incidently she hates, which I didn't know. I managed to talk to her about it and finally got her to say she would think about it all, and the possibilty of us going out. I was fine with this, but the thing is it's been over a week since we talked about it. She did call me at the end of last week but she was drunk and didn't really say much at all. However I did talk to her yesterday and we were talking fine and so I asked her if she had thought about it all and her answer was no because she had been "really busy with school and christams stuff". I was really unsure what to think about this, I mean I can understand school being important, but Christmas? What does she mean when she says this, or is she lying? What do I do now? Wait again or ask her later this week? Any help would be great!!

View related questions: christmas, drunk

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A male reader, SIFI212 United Kingdom +, writes (7 December 2008):

SIFI212 is verified as being by the original poster of the question

In answer to SinVA:

Yes i know i made a mistake i feel awful about it. I have said everything you said. But what you said about how she might feel is very helpful, is it a case of just giving her time to think then?

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A male reader, SIFI212 United Kingdom +, writes (7 December 2008):

SIFI212 is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Yes i did tell her that, and she almost admitted that she hadnt been very obvious about it. I see what you are sayin though. And yes we have only seen each other when drunk but we have talked over MSN and texted quite alot, although i really would like to see her in person, it seems like she isnt ready for this.

Thanks for the helps though :)

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A male reader, SinVA United States +, writes (7 December 2008):

Ahhh, you made a mistake! If you liked her, and thought that she might like you, you shouldn't have gone kissing around! Regardless it still seems like she is still interested in you, but just hurt from what happened.

So, if you want to be with her, if you like her and want to be in a relationship with her, then apologize. Tell her how you feel, and that you are sorry, and that the only girl you want to be with is her. I don't know how good friends you are or whatever, but maybe get her a gift for christmas, maybe flowers or something.

I think what she is saying by her 'really busy comment' is that she doesn't want to come off as crazy about you because of what happened, because she was hurt. She might have felt that you liked her prior to you kissing around, and then was hurt when she found out that you messed around with 3 other girls.

Talk to her, be nice, and hopefully she'll forgive you. Also, don't pull that drunk shit again though, or you're out of luck. Hope it works out for you

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A female reader, n00dl35 United States +, writes (7 December 2008):

n00dl35 agony auntI would just wait a little while.. maybe let her come to you? Did you ever tell her that you were unsure if she liked you so that's why you slept with someone else.. If you don't want to wait just say hey can we talk? and start the conversation. Ask her if she still has feelings for you or does she want you to leave her alone.. Do you always see each other when you're drunk? you might wanna try to see each other sober and have a talk.. good luck. xx

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