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SexybumSexybum, posted over a year ago

So whats the most romantic gesture a man can do for a women. What is the most romatic moment of a relationship? Is it marriage, is it the look when you look in their eyes, or is it all in the gestures?

Posted on 24 March 2006 @ 15:16 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I think romance is a way of "being" rather than a specific action. At least I hope! It's the result of putting your partner first and constantly suprising them! That is a very special, lucky relationship.

Posted on 25 March 2006 @ 12:34 (London time) - permalink
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vixsfixvixsfix, posted over a year ago

Romance is dead nowadays, where have all the romantics gone? Today relationships are all about cinvenient sex

Posted on 25 March 2006 @ 21:40 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I am one of the hold outs, I suppose. I love romance and feel blessed to have it in my life. While Love is obviously the most crucial element in a successful long-term relationship..I feel loyalty, individualism, laughter, fun, doing unexpected things for each other (surprises) and really enjoying doing those things WITH your partner...all adds to romance.

Posted on 29 March 2006 @ 3:0 (London time) - permalink
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lillaumlillaum, posted over a year ago

yes i agree. its all about suprising eachother, laughter and fun. I wouldn't say either myself or my boyfriend are particulary "Romantic", but then who needs all that cheese any way?? Thats not saying that I dont feel all loved up so's to speak. Its in knowing eachother and being comfortable and relaxed with eachother at the same time as being surprised.

Posted on 30 March 2006 @ 5:58 (London time) - permalink
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GodofGraphicsGodofGraphics, posted over a year ago

I got so annoyed at all the a**hole guys I know, I wrote a guide, from my point of view, on how you should treat a lady. Its not about how to get someone into bed, but how I act with women, everything from first dates and first kisses, to presents and birthdays. How sad am I? :)

Posted on 3 April 2006 @ 1:32 (London time) - permalink
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smeedlesmeedle, posted over a year ago

Oh you are not sad at all, in fact I think you are a wonderful and rare sort of guy. If you have time maybe you could post it in as im sure lots of people would be interested. Did your guide work and are you now blisfully in love with a love interest or are you still searching.

Posted on 4 April 2006 @ 8:59 (London time) - permalink
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Lzavmon03Lzavmon03, posted over a year ago

It would be great to have a manual that all guys could take note from and learn how to be romantic...for me though..romance...well, the best type of romance for me is manifested through little things that show respect...little things amount to a lot and speak volumes about a person's character...I find there are two sides to romance for me: one side that deals mostly with tangible diaplsy of affection like flowers, cards, little gifts and another which deals mostly with not so much giving me trinkets in response to a special ocassion, but doing things that he notices would make me more comfortable like giving me his coat or jacket when it's freezing or not letting me see the check after we go to a fancy resteraunt, or giving up his seat for me...those things are great because he's giving up his comfort for you and I see that as a sign of respect and wanting to make me feel comfortable...but then when I think of it, there are even more facets of romance like being with each other on a special date in which one person or both go through a lot of effort to make it a fun-filled evening for both people....but to me, it's more than bringing flowers or's more like seeing the effort or work a person does in order to make you feel as special as you make that person bring that specialness to your awareness.

Posted on 10 April 2006 @ 23:58 (London time) - permalink
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lillaumlillaum, posted over a year ago

"text book romance" as I call it is just too boring for me. There shound't be any rules, thats what makes it exciting! people have different ideas about romance so there isn't any standard routine to follow. I had a boyfriend who opened doors, gave me chocolate, flowers and all that but wheres the passion??!! He did those things because thats what he thought he should do. It was nice that he wanted to please me but I think that honest and spontaneous gestures are MUCH more pleasing. I dont like to just be a female but me too. If I a man gets flowers and all that he needs to show that he has got you ones he thinks YOU will like not just what he thinks women like. Am I making sense?

Posted on 18 April 2006 @ 17:0 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

How about for the man to surprise the woman with a bunch of flowers (delivered to her at her workplace preferably), with a nice little poem saying how much he loves her. Or just simply holding the door open for her or pulling out the chair for her to sit down on. Or asking her out on a date comprising of dinner and dancing and a night of romance and love, even though they may have been going out for however long. Or go lie down next to each other on a field somewhere and look at the stars on a clear night.

Posted on 29 April 2006 @ 15:34 (London time) - permalink
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tequilarodeotequilarodeo, posted over a year ago

Romance can be anything... like holding a door open, pulling out a chair, cute little kisses in public, getting flowers; no matter how many... a single rose is romantic to boot, feeling like your floating, looking into each other eyes and getting lost, your partner making you feel like your the only 2 people in the world, getting lost in the moment, not being afraid to express your feelings, candle lit nights, and not just relying on sex to keep your relationship going... i could go on forever! i think about this kind of stuff alot. I watched my best friend get beaten down by all the a**hole boyfriends she had, she always picked the wrong kind of guys, and i was always there for her. We ended up writting a list of what True Love should be like, but in this day and time true qualities like this are hard to find...

Posted on 22 May 2006 @ 6:43 (London time) - permalink
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ToriaToria, posted over a year ago

I love attention and affection but I don't go in for all that holding doors open and pulling out the chair stuff thats abit over the top for me, I just like them to be natural and just loving not feeling like they have to do all that stuff, I prefer a night in cuddled up on the sofa or cuddled up in bed together rather than a candle lit meal in a restaurant nothing beats just being the two of you rather than sharing a special moment with a restaurant full of people.

I had a friend whos girlfriend wanted a big engagement ring with a big proposal infront of all her friends and family but to me that was very much for show and for everyone else rather than the two people that really mattered, I'd rather just the two people concerned in a private moment doing it just for each other not for anyone else.

Posted on 13 October 2006 @ 0:12 (London time) - permalink
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snowbirdsnowbird, posted over a year ago

At the grand 'old' age of 52 I am going through the most romantic period of my life just now.

I had just about given up hope of ever really finding my soulmate, but this man, (who has never bought me flowers) - knows just how to make me feel loved.

It is effortless, yet he makes the effort for me - my happiness is his happiness:

"I could fly on my own, but I want his wings, I can see but I need the light that he brings; I am strong, yet I crave his arms"... without him I am still here - but not quite there!


OK -

...No violins, no saccharin, no heavenly choir required!!

Posted on 13 October 2006 @ 12:5 (London time) - permalink
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CateyesCateyes, posted over a year ago

For every woman it is different. We all have different likes and dislikes and what we value and appreciate in a relationship. For me, I could say I'm a bit old fashioned in some ways and in others not. A nice dinner (that he cooked) with candles everywhere, always wanting to hold hands, kiss me for no reason at home or in public, flowers sent to my job or just because or even leaving a sticky note in my truck just to say I love you before I go to work! A call every now and then to my work to say he misses me...romancing by the fireplace with a bottle of nice wine...always a winner! I also believe that a marriage proposal should be extra special. It's that something special that you will always treasure and remember for the rest of your life. I guess I still live in the dream world, because I'm still waiting on my "Knight in Shining Armor" to come rescue me!(smile)

Posted on 20 April 2007 @ 2:3 (London time) - permalink
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