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What should I do? Tell her about my true age?

Tagged as: Age differences, Big Questions<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (30 May 2008) 4 Answers - (Newest, 30 May 2008)
A male United States age 41-50, anonymous writes:

i met my girlfriend when i was 13 she was 18,i told her i was 16,im now 23 and she's 28 what should i do/how should i tell her?

(p.s we never had sex before i turned 18)

i would also like to know if iwas ilegal for me to like make out with her a hold hands while i was that age?

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A female reader, lexilou United Kingdom +, writes (30 May 2008):

lexilou agony auntIf she ever found out by herself it would be a lot worse than if you came clean. She may take it badly and have trust issues for a while, she may think there are other things you have lied about, but if you truly love each other you should be able to get over this, there are far worse secrets x

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A reader, anonymous, writes (30 May 2008):

What, so you've kept that a secret for 10 years? Wow. I think you need to be honest with her now, and take whatever comes your way. You at least owe her that. If she loves you, then she will forgive the lie.

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A male reader, StudentOfLife Canada +, writes (30 May 2008):

StudentOfLife agony auntI try to put myself as the person who receive such news but I just can't figure out how I would react.

Please give me an update on this, I really want to know how someone would react to that.

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A male reader, Danielepew Mexico +, writes (30 May 2008):

Danielepew agony auntI guess she knows you're younger than she, and I suppose it your telling her your true age would not do much harm. I also suspect that she knows, already.

If your wanting to make out with a girl is illegal, then all men should be put in jail by now. Laws are meant to protect minors from adults who could abuse them, and they forbid actions. They are not meant to prevent attraction or sex drive.

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