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What my bf doesn't know, won't hurt him

Tagged as: Big Questions, Cheating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (4 November 2007) 3 Answers - (Newest, 4 November 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I am 17 years old and have been with my boyfriend for almost two years. he cheated on me but i decided to stay with him. recently i have been texting someone else, my boss. we have always had a flirty relationship but in my last shift (as a waitress) we took things a step further (he sucked my nipples and played with my clitoris). i dont want to finish either of the relationships. my boss is almost double my age (30) and has been with his partner for 6 years and has a 1 year old child with her. is this a case of wot my boyfriend doesnt know wont hurt him? after all he did cheat on me!

View related questions: cheated on me, clitoris, flirt, my boss, nipples, text

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A female reader, happytochat Australia +, writes (4 November 2007):

Ever heard of the saying 'two wrongs dont make a right'? Well its true and goes perfect with this situation you are in.

Just because your bf did the wrong thing and hurt you does not mean its ok for you to do the same and it also doesnt mean he will even put up with it.

What your boss is doing is illegal I think. 1. You are under 18. 2. You are an employee of his.

All of which leads to him abusing his position of authority and power...

Are you truly interested in your boss? Or is it just a way for you to make you feel good about yourself? Because another guy is showing interest in you. I can imaginae that when your bf cheated on you it made youe feel like crap, perhaps brought upon many perhaps by cheating on your bf with your boss is your way of making yourself feel better? And geting him back as well?

If this is the case, you need to realise that by geting with someone other guy to make yourself feel better wont work. You need to work on your self esteem if this is the issue.

I persnaly dont think you should of stayed wiht your bf in the first place. Dont you think you deserve better? It seems like you dont. No 1 deserves to go through that. Perhaps if you would of left him you would of had more self respect and would not of gone to the level of cheating on your bf and going for someone who si completely wrong...

And as for you saying if your bf doesnt know it wont hurt him. It will! Even if he doesnt know, something in the relationshp isnt right, so its stoping your relationshp from being a good one. You need to come clean with him. Or atleast leave him - dont continue being in a relatioship with him where u keep things from him.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (4 November 2007):

what are you trying to do?? you feel proud with what you are doing?

how could you do this? your boss has a parner and a child! that is disgusting and illegal!

i say end it with both of these men and go to therapy YOU NEED IT.


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A male reader, rcn United States +, writes (4 November 2007):

rcn agony auntHe cheated on you, you stayed with him. Now you're cheated, new and fresh incident. That's OK to keep them both, as long as it's OK with your boyfriend. It's now his turn to decide to stay with you or not. You are completely in the wrong by doing this knowing your boss has a child and a partner.

If others found out and walked in, told upper management, their out of a home because he's sitting behind bars, or gets fired for having sexual relationships with employees. Guess what, you're partially to blame. Tell it to the child.

You have no right to do this. What he doesn't know won't hurt, talk about malicious behavior. You must really hate your boyfriend to do this? I think there are words for people who do this. (tramp) (trailer trash) You need to stop this behavior if you have any respect for your boyfriend period. You'll have to end it with one of them. If you don't I really hope people find out and you end up losing both. People who do this to others don't need to be dating anyone. This behavior is harmful and hateful, and for you to feel good about it, tells me you need some serious psychological help.

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