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What are these 2 lumps on my vagina?

Tagged as: Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (12 December 2007) 8 Answers - (Newest, 13 December 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

hi, i really need some help, i know you are not doctors and stuff, but i have noticed a lump, about the size of 2 peas entwined, on the right hand side of my vagina, it isn't painful to touch but i don't know what it is. i am not currently sexually active but was at the beginning of the year. is it sex related or something sinsiter that i am making a huge deal over for nothing???

your advice would be appreciated.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (13 December 2007):

I recommend u see a doc

BUT i had that once, on the right side it was like a little lump under my skin. it didnt hurt or get bigger so i ignored it (i know i shouldnt have!) but anyway it went away by itself so try not to panic.

But see a doc just to be safe =]

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A male reader, chlez83 Zambia +, writes (13 December 2007):

Hey relax remember we don't have the full details.Maybe you can post a photo to show us!! Just kidding.Yes i agree with you go see a doctor especially that you've noticed it's grown bigger.


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A reader, anonymous, writes (13 December 2007):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

i don't think i'm explaining myself properly, it's kinda like not an infection, it was there sicne before i was sexually active, but it's gotten bigger. ther is only one lump but it is growing. i can't explain what it is like but i will go the doctors.

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A male reader, chlez83 Zambia +, writes (13 December 2007):

Better safe than sorry.Get checked by a doc.I really don't wana freak you out that it may be an STD but for how long have they been there? I'm sure you were not born like that.It could be that it's a reaction to some irritation or even an infection caused by your previous lover.Do you musturbate alot?This can also bring aboout irritations.

Go to a doc and take care of yourself.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (13 December 2007):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

no, it's not on top on the skin, it's underneath, so i know it's not genital warts or skin tags, it's too big to be genital warts, an ex of mine had them when we were together, so i steered clear of sleeping with him, so i know it isn't that.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (13 December 2007):

It could be genital warts. Get to the doc!

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A female reader, chocalated30 United States +, writes (13 December 2007):

Y ou might wanna get that checked out you dont want it to be anything serious.You should be worried,When it comes to your health.Make an appoitment and get a check up.

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A female reader, NJmomabear United States +, writes (13 December 2007):

NJmomabear agony auntDo you shave down there? I have gotten skin tags from shaving. If they don't itch it could be regular HPV. I would definately have the doc take a look. You just never know.

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