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We disagree about money and I'm not sure if I trust him

Tagged as: Family, Troubled relationships, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (19 November 2013) 2 Answers - (Newest, 20 November 2013)
A female India age 30-35, *at hen writes:

hi.I want some advice.Am in a relationship that somehow isnt working out.we both love each other dearly. My bf has parents who dont at all care whether he lives or not. And he is struggling quite a lot.we have been together for almost two years now.I wanted some advice on each of the issues..issue1-we live together and are financially very weak.i mostly meet the expenses rest he manages religiously.we bought a tv and paid half the price he wants to get a two wheeler but i wanted him to invest that money to start a business for us so that we could atleast afford a three time meal.what should i do let him buy the stuff with his own money or should i stick to that half you half me rule or should i force him for busineess?issue2-before he met me he was married to a woman and had hidden that story for about 6 months but now he has changed quite a lot.should i forgive him and trust him again.issue3-as am absent frm my parents home my neigbours gossip negative and my mom is sad about it.should i bother ..

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A reader, anonymous, writes (20 November 2013):

You can know someone for many years- or think you know them, and end up feeling like a mug, hurt, confused and lost. This bloke sounds like someone who may not have strong principles or morals- because of his bad parenting.

He sounds, untrustworthy and unstable- I would advise to anyone NEVER enter into any joint housing arrangements, with spouses, financially- once you're signed up for that mortgage, it's there for good... This guy that has already given you strong reason not to trust him will likely not be still around to help you pay in the long run...

You need to be careful because it really sounds like you're heading for an emotional AMD financial disaster. He's not necessarily a bad person but he's gunna drag you down... I think you need to be strong, get all this out in the open with him, but DOMT sign any financial contracts with him...

He strongly reminds me of a guy I used to go out with, who although he wasnt a bad person he was too much of a liability in many ways, and I just had to let him go... :/

It's hard but you need to try and stay grounded with this.


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A female reader, shna Ireland +, writes (19 November 2013):

shna agony auntIssue 3- people gossip dont let them upset you ! In a few weeks they will find something else meaningless to mingle over ! Your five minutes of fame with them is short lived and over soon !

Issue 2 - you shouldnt trust anybody who cant be open with you ! Great that when you both first met you connected emotionally etc, but have a wife and kids is not something you forget to mention ! It is something a potential partner is going to want to know about

Issue 1- BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL when it comes to love & money !ok you guys have not been together that long and your struggling financially and he wants to spend it on silly items while you are basically the bread winner ! Iv experience this and my current ex boyfriend owes me in the thousands money that i will never see again ! LESSON LEARNED !!

Make sure you make it clear to your partner that you are now going half and half with one another on expenses ! If he refuses he is obviously just using you for your money

To be honest this relationship sounds like a ticking time bomb and i can see the drama unraveling already

Please be carful

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