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Pete told me he loved me! I froze wasnt expecting it, I love him but didnt say so, is it now too late?

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Question - (15 September 2006) 6 Answers - (Newest, 21 September 2006)
A female United Kingdom, anonymous writes:

So ive been dating a guy, pete for quite a while and ive posted many posts on here.

But ive come across a big problem.

Yesterday evening we went out together and as he dropped me home we kissed, hugged and while we were cuddling he said "i love you" really quietly and i just froze and didnt know what to say back.

I mean i really do love him i just froze as no-ones ever said that to me before and hes the perfect person and its not like i dont love him i just blew it cause now i think its too late to say it back and hes probably wondering whether i love him or not which i do, i just felt like i should've said it last night.

And i feel its too late.

Please help...x

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (21 September 2006):

no sweety its not late, he knows that you are surprised and for sure he will give you a time to think about it.

he is just right there always waiting for you. good luck XXX gladyz

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A female reader, sarah y +, writes (16 September 2006):

If somebody told me they loved me i would not necessary say it back straight away as it could be seen as just saying it.You need to try and find away of saying it at the right and perfect time for you.When you next speak to him tell him that your really happy he feels that way and your sorry you could not say it back but that you do feel the same but you want to say it when the right time comes.I am sure he will understand.......Good luck.

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A female reader, Helen1986 United Kingdom +, writes (16 September 2006):

Helen1986 agony auntNo it isnt too late hunny. He caught you by suprise thats all, I am sure he will understand.

Maybe you should invite him out and find a nice moment to lean into him and just quietly say I love you too. You dont have to say anything about the other night before hand just suprise him like he did you. I am sure that he will be really happy. Good luck and take care.

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A female reader, snowbird Canada +, writes (15 September 2006):

snowbird agony auntJust say to him "Oh, about the other night - I hope you did'nt get the wrong impression, but I feel exactly the same way about you - it's just that you took me by surprise!"; and take it from there...he is sure to understand.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (15 September 2006):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Oh btw im 17

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (15 September 2006):

Just tell him what happened, if he is the perfect guy he'll understand competely.

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