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My boyfriend isn't communicating with me right now. I could use some advice.

Tagged as: Gay relationships, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (12 September 2007) 4 Answers - (Newest, 13 September 2007)
A male United States age , *BMan writes:

I met my boyfriend about 2 years on an internet dating site. Due to some personal situations we only started seeing each other more seriously about 6 months ago. Since then our relationship has been quite good. We are both independently minded although admittedly right now I am in a very sensitive place. We have actually only had 2 unhappy experiences once about a month ago and the most recent this past weekend. Since then I have not heard from him. Repeated voice mails and text messages have not been answered. I do not know what to do. I am 49 and he is 46. This type of behaviour is very inconsistent with his personality and he has always been very communicative. Advice?

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A male reader, jaimeamour22 Ireland +, writes (13 September 2007):

a online relationship is different from a real relationship , and being a man and seeing guys in action they will promice you the sun moon and stars and i know your a sitting and thinking about whats going on but the more you call text and chase the less he will give you in return sit , sit on your hands if you have to and dont text or call . i know thats going to be hard but i know he will call you ...dont chase because you will only get hurt and feel like you made fool of yourself , just smile and hang out with friends and things will sort themselves out ... for good or for bad , but tell him when you know its a good time what he did to you was a shite thing to do ... xxx jaime

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A male reader, EBMan United States +, writes (13 September 2007):

EBMan is verified as being by the original poster of the question

HK45Cal, thank you...I think it may be a combination but I'm hoping for the best. I sent a text earlier saying I wouldn't text any more, I have to respect his space. I sent some flowers and that's all I can do. Keep us in your thoughts.

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A male reader, Hk45cal United States +, writes (12 September 2007):

If this type of behavior is not normal then at this point something is pushing him away. I must say that I have been in the position where something goes wrong and I decide not to answer the phone or not respond to any communication from the other. There are two responses to this and you will just have to figure it out based on what I say, because you know your situation better than I do.

(1) Not answering?? It could mean he is just plain over it and angry about the situation. The more phone calls and text messages you send his way is just pissing him off more and not making him want to answer your calls/text. When guys get these type of calls on a constant basis it makes us think you are screaming out "desperation" therefore keeping the ball in our court

(2) He may want to answer, but at this point he is just mad and taking this time to think. Give him some breathing room and let him think. If the incidents were something of a silly nature, and you have cut off contact with him he may just come to his senses and call. If nothing else he may just call, because he realizes the ball is no longer is in his court. Not to mention the fact hes probably wondering what you are up to

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A female reader, superbunny United Kingdom +, writes (12 September 2007):

superbunny agony auntWith a bit more information, we may be able to help. Maybe he just needs a bit of space at the moment? If you want to message me to talk some more, feel free. Hope everything works out okay. :] x

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