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My boyfriend is moving away. Should we break up now or later?

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Question - (19 July 2007) 6 Answers - (Newest, 20 July 2007)
A female Trinidad and Tobago age 41-50, anonymous writes:

my boyfriend of 8 years will be moving away to Africa for good before the end of the year. He thinks we should end our relationship now cause it will be easier for him but i want us be together until he leaves. Any advice?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (20 July 2007):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

He is moving to africa because of his religious beliefs and i don't share his beliefs.I told him that i would visit him but he wants me to stay.You see everyone from his family is already there but my entire family is here.

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A female reader, mary-lee Australia +, writes (20 July 2007):

mary-lee agony auntcan i please ask why is he moving and your not? you have been together for 8 years and you just want to throw your relationship away because his moving? whats holding you back? and why is he moving in the first place? please email me if you want to talk about this further, i'm interested in your answers!

love always Mary-lee.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (20 July 2007):

well if he wants to end it now then why do you want to stick around?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (19 July 2007):

End the relationship before he moves to Africa. Long distance relationships are hard and whilst some people manage to succeed with them many people don't. You should break up with him because you are hardly going to see each other, a factor which can break up relationships.

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A male reader, _Edward_ United Kingdom +, writes (19 July 2007):

_Edward_ agony auntI think you should brake up now, because if you brake up later it could be to hard to move on in life…infarct you’ll start missing him and may not want to brake up, it will lead you to a dead end…

Well…I hope every thing will work out for you… =D

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A male reader, DJ8433 United States +, writes (19 July 2007):

DJ8433 agony auntI would break up now, it works in your favor. You're in control, you can try to move on with your life, and if you break up now, and he realizes he loves you before he leaves, he may change his mind and stay. Then it's you're decision if you want him back or not. What do you want?

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