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It bugs me that this older guy I a virgin! How do I stop being this way?

Tagged as: Dating, Sex, Virginity<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (29 April 2007) 3 Answers - (Newest, 30 May 2007)
A female Austria age 41-50, anonymous writes:

Hi I'm currently dating an older guy and I just found out he's a virgin and for some reason I'm having a hard time being okay with it, I always assumed older guys = more experience and now that i know he's got less than me, it bugs me.

how can i stop being such an idiot about it?

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A female reader, Straight Up United Kingdom +, writes (30 May 2007):

Straight Up agony auntyou should be happy you don't have to think about how many people his been sexual with. i understand where your comming from. but thats way you shouldn't sterotype people. just think about getting to know him not him being a virgin


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A male reader, DV1 United States +, writes (19 May 2007):

DV1 agony auntThat should be good news for you. You don't have to worry about previous partners, or stds. Generally people go crazy thinking about their partner's previous experiences. It should be more special this way. A big mistake that a lot of people make these days, is judging people on their sexual experience. That doesn't make the person. What's important is what is in their heart.


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A reader, anonymous, writes (30 April 2007):

Are you asking yourself 'why' a man this age is still a virgin? Is he Does he respect you? Has he got the character and qualities you want in a man? That is what should matter more than anything. Perhaps, he's been quite shy and never learned how, never had the opportunity, or just didn't feel comfortable in the dating scene to have a sexual relationship with a woman. A lot of men are out there that are like this. Many just don't like to admit it and it's nothing to be ashamed of. I can bet that this guy is ripe and ready for a loving, intimate relationship. He may be a good, committed, loyal partner to you. Maturity, good character traits and givingness are what's important in a potential love partner, not how many notches he has on his bedpost. Like everyone else, he deserves love, respect and companionship. Give him a try and see where this leads. Good luck, dear

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