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Is it possible to conceive a child without ejaculating or going in?

Tagged as: Pregnancy, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (17 July 2010) 6 Answers - (Newest, 18 July 2010)
A male United Kingdom age 30-35, *inetiesKid writes:

Dear Cupid, my girlfriend is 4 weeks late, and we're obviously quite worried and we've back tracked what we've done over the last month or so.

We've done everything other then sex, we're both virgins. We can only put it down to that we've been doing stuff in complete nude, and I may have ran my "self" over her lady parts casually but I didn't ejaculate.

We're going to get a pregnancy test tomorrow, but I've a feeling it's really nothing to worry about.. maybe she just missed a month or something like that.

My question is this, is it possible to conceive without going into the vagina and without ejaculating?

View related questions: both virgins, conceive, ejaculate, pregnancy test, vagina

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (18 July 2010):

Hey this happens...whenever the girl gets naked for the first time some changes happen in the body which lates the cycle..don't worry take some more time...and if you are too worried then consult a doc.

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A female reader, Tisha-1 United States +, writes (17 July 2010):

Tisha-1 agony auntYes, it is possible, if sperm-containing semen found its way to her vulva. Sperm are designed to swim. Here's an eye-opening video on the topic:

A pregnancy test is really the best idea now. Good luck.

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A female reader, iloveblue Canada +, writes (17 July 2010):

iloveblue agony auntThe Realist is right, it is unlikely..but then it is possible. I hope I am not scaring you if I say that this happened to one girl I knew in college. She and her bf did some stuff together without penetration and they were unlucky.

Now they are married and don't regret about the baby coming but it was a lesson that taught a lot of us.

It is also right, a lot of factors may have caused the delay, but to be most sure, just take the pregnancy test tmrw.

Good luck.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (17 July 2010):

You can have a little bit of pre-cum. If a little bit of that stuff or maybe you ejaculated before and some was still on your penis and you touched her vagina, she could in fact be pregnant.

Otherwise, I really doubt you have anything to worry about.

Just know, for future reference, if you're naked, put a condom on. If you ejaculated and then fingered her, some of the semen could've been on your fingers. Just be really careful.

Crazy shit happens.

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A male reader, The Realist Canada +, writes (17 July 2010):

The Realist agony auntIts highly unlikely even with any pre-cum being placed on the outside of her. There are alot of things that can cause a missed period too, such as stress, diet or hormone changes due to medication effects. The pregnancy test is a great idea but she should see a doctor just to make sure there isn't any other issues here. Also if she recently started on the pill that could do it and if she has not it may be a good idea just in case things start to go a little farther. You should still wear condoms for sex but in the heat of the moment things happen and its better to have that preparation in place.

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A female reader, honesthelp United Kingdom +, writes (17 July 2010):

It sounds like you and your girlfriend are dealing with this really responsibly. It is very unlikely that you could have conceived in this way, although not impossible and doing a test is the best first step. I suggest that your girlfriend goes to visit her doctor to discuss her late period if it is worrying her. I hope all works out well for you both.

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