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I really like him but I'm not sure if he likes me back. What can I do next?

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Question - (11 July 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 20 May 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I really like this guy at school. He definitely knows because one of my most trusted friends told him without my consent. I'm confused by the way he acts. Before she told him he was always looking at me and hanging near me and my friends. Now though, he still looks at me now and then but doesn't seem to act the same way around me as he used to. When I walk past his friends they all stare at me and sometimes so does he. I really feel that my friend has let me down and I don't know what to do. I am deeply in love with him but can't find the courage to talk to him in case I make a fool out of myself. I have a feeling inside me that tells me he likes me back but I also have strong feelings that he doesn't. I feel my friend has let me down on this one.

All I want to know is what I should do next.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (20 May 2008):

I am sorta in the same position as you, I really like this guy at school and i told him (not how i had planned to, because it ended up being through a game of truth or dare) so now he knows. His Gf just dumped him a week ago and i still like him. I dont know what to do, i dont know if he likes me back. I really want him to ask me out. Should i stop waiting and ask him out? Should i just wait for him to ask me out? What should i do?

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A male reader, nologo Ukraine +, writes (12 July 2007):

nologo agony auntYou have two options to make your choice.

First, you can act as if nothing changed.

Second, you can change the way you act to adapt to his change.

Other options seem to be too hard to accomplish at the moment.

Think whether "my friend has let me down on this one" is true.

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