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How do I get my man to get a higher libido!?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Sex, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (7 March 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 7 March 2007)
A female United States age 36-40, anonymous writes:

My boyfriend seems to have an usually low libido. When we do have sex it is always passionate, but we have it very infrequent, sometimes only once a month. When I ask him he'll say he doesn't want it to loose it's meaning or that he doesn't want to the roommate to hear (even though there is another room between his room and the roommates'). It makes me feel so ugly and unspecial. How do I help his libido?

View related questions: libido, roommate

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A female reader, tkay1032 United States +, writes (7 March 2007):

tkay1032 agony auntI have the same prob but we live together!! I wish I knew why. Mine clames he isn't sure why and every time i try to talk about it or anything that might be buggin me we fight. I know this may not help but knowing your not the only one does for me. Maybe we can help eachother

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A female reader, aunty t Ireland +, writes (7 March 2007):

aunty t agony auntYou are not ugly or unspecial but I can understand how you would feel this way. Often things just get into a routine and maybe he is afraid this will happen with your sex life. Maybe you should try and spice things up by trying having sex in other places or when his room mate isnt around. Maybe he is tired or stressed out which wouldnt help. Explain to him exactly how you are feeling and that you dont feel special. Maybe this happened in a previous relationship and he is trying to prevent it happening again.

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