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I find it difficult to orgasm through penetration alone. Does anyone else find this?

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Question - (4 May 2009) 8 Answers - (Newest, 11 May 2009)
A female Ireland age 30-35, anonymous writes:


I have a problem that's really bothering me and it's making me really paranoid.

Everytime I have sex I just can't orgasm through penetration at all... Like not even close and this is like this regardless of the guy I'm with. So much so that some of the guys I've been with have said it to me...

I can orgasm when I masturbate myself but when it comes to penetration I just can't...

Anybody have any advice?

Thank you!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (11 May 2009):

I have similar problem too..

I enjoy sex..I get very worked up..but i can never have an orgasm while penetration occurs...unless I masturbate myself. It does not help even if my partner does that for me...I am very frustrateded and its begining to have a negative reaction with my man too...He feels that he is at fault somehow...

I wish i knew how to overcome this one seems to know how to help ....

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A reader, anonymous, writes (5 May 2009):

Check out the blog nipple orgasms and watch for the upcoming sites, and I was there in your position and it took self indulgence on my part, with myelf and lots of self awareness and time but the effort was more than I ever dreamed. It is so possible and what you have stated is more common than uncommon with women.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (5 May 2009):

do it on top. I have sex on top and I am able to control the intensity and yes its all clitoral but to be able to have one every time is great. i've been married for 6 years and I have had one every time but maybe 3!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (5 May 2009):

I agree with most of the posters... take time to relax with your partner and explore what feels good to you... find the buttons that turn you on... I reccomend taking the whole dam day... I say this because that is exactly what I had to do in order to cum with my bf... once we got down to what works and what don't well needless to say we became pros.... its all about knowing your body and doing what feels right and what feels natural.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (5 May 2009):

Most women can't orgasm through penatration. The clit is just not in the right spot. It's not you, its how were made! Some women can find the right position and it can get easier the older and more familiar you get with your body, but it may never happen. My husband has always made a point of making me cum orally or with his hands or a vibrator before intercourse that way I'm not left out! Me on top with him sitting up is the magic postion for me, but it still only works sometimes. Porn is what has made guys think all women should be able to cum through penatration alone. Don't let any guy tell you there is something wrong with you! Show him what makes you get off and how fun it can be to experiment with what works best! There is no right or wrong way with sex. It's just making sure you each feel satisfied and special. Any guy who tells you different or makes you feel bad SHOULD BE KICKED TO THE CURB IMMEDIATLY!!!!!!

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A female reader, solovley Ireland +, writes (4 May 2009):

hey im sorry i have the same problem ive been with my boyfriend for 3 years and never, not even once. How to you orgasm otherwise? My friends say oral sex but how long would this take? do you know of any other ways of making it happen? Im sorry im of no help! x

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (4 May 2009):

This is a very common problems for women. I have friends in their 30's that have the same problem.

My advice is to just explore yourself to be able to relax during intercourse. This usually happens as you get older and find some one you are comfortable with. If it doesnt happen, dont try to force it! Just add some extra fun once you trust your partner!

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A female reader, Hel_82 United Kingdom +, writes (4 May 2009):

I had the same problem at first and I didn't understand it. Then a friend told me that it's not uncommon some women find they don't orgasm through penetration but can when they masturbate. After that I stopped being so paranoid and relaxed, then bam it just happened one night. I don't know if it was his technique or the angle he entered me at but it happened.

My advice to you is to relax and not worry so much as sometimes that will inhibit an orgasm. Try a few different positions and if that fails get yourself a vibrator. Might sound silly but if you experiment with that on your own and find out what (if anything) makes you orgasm through penetration. By doing this you'll get to know what you like and then will be able to give a little gentle direction to your man to help you orgasm.

Hope this helps you xxx

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