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I don't trust my fiance because he doesn't report his location with 100% accuracy 100% of the time

Tagged as: Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (13 June 2007) 1 Answers - (Newest, 14 June 2007)
A female Canada age 41-50, anonymous writes:

im having trust issues with my fiancee. he broke my trust by telling me that he'll be as a certain place but he landed up somewhere else, and so, i have problems now when he tells me that he will be here or there because of that previous times, i just really want to believe him but i cannot because he wasnt sincere for the past. everywhere i go, i let him know, so that he knows in case of emergency or if something ever bad happened that at least he can reach me. while, i feel, on the other hand, im sarting to see him as sneaky or myself just becom paranoid. whats for me to do?

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A male reader, eddie Canada +, writes (14 June 2007):

eddie agony auntDid he lie or just change his plans. If he just changed his plans and didn't bother to call in to Checkpoint Charlie (you), what's the big deal. If he made a calculated choice to lie, then you have to figure out why. Do you question everything he does?

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