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How should I confront my fiancee about her flirting with this other guy?

Tagged as: Troubled relationships, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (10 November 2010) 4 Answers - (Newest, 11 November 2010)
A male United States age 30-35, *dK-WhO-I-Am writes:

ok im engaged to this girl who i realy love but she has been talking to this other guy where she goes to school. she says they are just friends but my litle sister goes to school with her and she said they were all over each other! how should i confront her and how can i make her stay intrested in me? as you can tell i realy dont wanna lozse this girl she is my life

View related questions: engaged, fiance, flirt

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A male reader, IdK-WhO-I-Am United States +, writes (11 November 2010):

IdK-WhO-I-Am is verified as being by the original poster of the question

i thank u all for ur help idk what im gonna do still but thanks for trying

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 November 2010):

Well, are you sure your sister was correct with her info? Does she have anything against your fiance? Regardless, it doesn't sound like you trust her if you believe idle gossip. Unless you have 100% proof i would have a talk with your fiance and take what your sister said with a pinch of salt.

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A male reader, Cerberus_Raphael Sweden +, writes (10 November 2010):

Cerberus_Raphael agony auntSit her down and talk to her about it and tell her that it is bothering you. This is not how a fiancee should act. I do not know how you can keep her interested in you. Keep dating her, keep showing her that you love her so that you know you are being the best you can be.

I hope that helps.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 November 2010):

im going through a simalar thing atm, have it out with her. If she means that much to you do what im gonna forgive just the once, if she owns up herself, nut honestly we all know love isnt easy and if shes worth fighting for then fight for her, (im not sugesting attack the other guy)

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