writes:Hello, i am 15 and my girlfriend is 14 we had unprotected sex, 3 days from now, and i am really worrying about her being pregnant, shes a very shy girl, and doesnt like doctors, injections, and so on... I only put it in 3-6 times and diddnt come. i know that u can get pregnant by putting it in once.i cant talk to my dad as he is dead, nor my mother because she is the cind of person who will send me away with no mercy... she would seriousley disown me...my gfs, parents... she is living with her stepdad, and he is currentley going threw divorse with her real mum, she is also with the social services, and so am i.her period is due friday, today is monday so we had sex on saturday... im so scared, and feel really worried, and sick.i have noticed i have stopped eating, and started drinking alot more.i dont know what to do or who to talk to. i am worried and scared as i said.can somone please tell me and help? thankyou...
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period, shy, unprotected sex Reply to this Article Share |
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reader, caz0113 +, writes (5 September 2007):
Pregnancy test you can get them cheap but i dont think their is anything to worry about. Ive been in the same position and i wasnt i know everything will be fine but if she worrys then her period will be late so just try not to worry wait until the day she comes on her period or go and get a pregnancy test. Everything will be fine so dont worry im 19 and had sometimes i thought i was pregnant and ive never have been and ive done the exact same 5-6 times and ive been fine.
reader, Geminibabe2013 +, writes (26 August 2007):
I know you are scared but you have to face reality and tell someone about it. wiether it be a teacher,a neighbor,friend,or even a school counselor. someone WILL have an answer. I am 13 and my friend thought she was pregnant. it was truly her darkest hours.(i didnt say that to bring you down) but she was so scared to talk to her mom about it for all the wrong reasons. no matter how mean you may think our parents are the will do their best to help you. just remember they may not be happy with you but the will still love you. if your girlfriend is shy and doesnt like doctors then she could always take an at home pregency test. if it comes out that she is pregnant then there are options. but you both have to tell your parents they will know what to do. i know easier said then done but you have to trust that no matter what happens this will all be okay. tell your girlfreind that she may not like doctors but they can definetly help yourself and her. dont be scared. my friend wasnt pregnant but thank god that she went to her mom and her mom took her to the doctors. her mom wasnt happy but in the end shes happy her daughter wasnt a teenaged mom. Again i say please do not panic or be scared every thing will be ok.
reader, Lizz +, writes (25 August 2007):
I think I have a bit of advice to ease your weary mind. The chances of her being pregnant from what little you described are slimmer than slim to none. This does not under any circumstance make it okay. What were you thinking? Everytime you get intimate with her you'd better have a rubber in your hand or you risk having a baby in your arms. And from how your home life is now, why risk it?Stop drinking. What's the point? You should find an older person to confide in. You counselor at your school is there for that very reason, to cousel you.I hope this experience gave you a little knock in the skull. If you wanna be somebody and go somewhere you'd better wake up and pay attention.Good luck to you, kid.
reader, anonymous, writes (25 August 2007): Hi,It sounds like you both are under a lot of stress what with her parents divorce and you not having a dad or a great relationship with your mum.What I would do if I were in your shoes is first stop having unprotected sex with your girlfriend, make sure that she gets a medical exam as well as yourself for any std's and her a pregnancy test, and she should really tell her mum that she is sexually active so that she can be sure that she is well taken care of.Also, stop drinking, what are you thinking? Alchohol has a very negative effect on your growing body and your growing brain, you are not yet an adult and you are taking on adult responsibilities when you start having sex and drinking ....you don't have the means to support a wife and baby, as you are a child yourself, so stop and think before you have sex again, what is wrong with masturbation to control your hormones! ---or excercise and a cold shower!Find some adult that you can talk to, look for an older male that you admire that can act as a mentor to you, start with your local church or youth programs or perhaps social services can help you....but please, find someone to talk to about this so you don't have to worry alone...
reader, cutiebeauty +, writes (25 August 2007):
Well i would say pretend you dont know what theyre talking about when they start asking you why is my daughter pregant.I wish you luck.
reader, anonymous, writes (18 August 2007): if her period dosent come you have to take her to a doctor and take it out but she scared of needels so maybe be ready to become a teenage dad like my cousin or try to have alot of help as possibol i dont really know how to spell
reader, kukundrel +, writes (16 August 2007):
Well,don`t you worry.. Only the time will show.. But be close to her,she stands in need of support.. so you do.. Write what happens.. ;o( and courage..
reader, lovexgurl19 +, writes (16 August 2007):
First of all, she is much more freak out than you. She is the one having this kid. What I would recommend is go buy a pregnacy test, or go take a pregnacy test for free, and give a fake name. I know how that is I am in the same situation. If you need more advice email me for help okay.
reader, alaskan tornado +, writes (16 August 2007):
do you have someone older then you that you can talk to and they well not talk to no one about it and just dont be scard just tell some one you trust and they can help do you realy want the kid! becase if you do you can get a job and you can get some one that know how to delever a baby and do not kill it even if you do not want it take it to a adopsion place when it is stell yong but after 2 wreeks
reader, mum2be +, writes (14 August 2007):
you have to face up to the music of having unprotected sex... however, since you did not come, you have probably not made ehr pregnant... learn from your mistake and be careful next time...
if she is pregant, then you should be thinking about how you are going to cope with this.
ps i am a mum and only 16... so i kinda no wot you are going thru... you can eamil me if you want further support
...i know this is a difficult time for you
reader, confused99 +, writes (14 August 2007):
okay just wait and just chill down... if she misses her period then that means u guys need to go get a pregnancy test if it comes to positive u need to tell your parents if it is negative u need to still tell your parents that u are having sex even if u guys are scared they need to know in case somthing does happen that is not suppose to.... so that she can get on birth control... you also need to wear protection i mean that is the worst thing u can do is have sex with out protection... and another thing is that if your parents dont know and u get a std that means that u will have it and u wont know so then u cant get it cured..... you need to tell your parents that u are having sex... it was the easiest thing for me to tell my parents cause they understood and they got me on birthcontrol and they talked to me and him about it and now i am so happy that i told my parents that i was sexually active cause i dont have to hide it from them and they dont ask ?s anemore about it since i told them i have had sex... so tell them and if she is pregnant the easiest thing to do is tell your parents and get it over with.... so stop bein scared and tell your parents i promise they can help more than what u think... they are very helpful so tell them and see k that is all i got for u now its time for u to tell your parents about u and her having sexual intercourse