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Girlfriend and porn...

Tagged as: Dating, Pornography<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (7 January 2010) 6 Answers - (Newest, 7 January 2010)
A male United States age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I've been in a relationship for almost 2 years with my current girlfriend. Things are going great, and we both confide in each other for pretty much everything. Porn has been a little bit of an issue in our relationship, though. I like to watch it and masturbate to it, but my girlfriend doesn't watch it often, nor does she masturbate as often as I do.

However, recently she told me she looked at porn and it got her excited. But with a twist - she didn't like the heterosexual porn, but lesbian porn. Now so far this isn't a problem - I'm a fan of lesbian porn, too. But she says she is afraid to watch lesbian porn because she is afraid she will want to have sex with a girl, and turn gay or cheat on me with a girl, neither of which she wants to do, because she loves me.

I've tried telling her that this is silly, but I honestly don't know- maybe she's right! Still though, it would be pretty cool if we could both enjoy lesbian porn together and use it as an erotic tool instead of a threat to our relationship. Please help!

View related questions: her ex, lesbian, porn

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (7 January 2010):

Give it a try and see how it works. It may make her want to go further and try sex with another woman but you wont know unless you try!

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A female reader, meg2989 United States +, writes (7 January 2010):

meg2989 agony auntWell, this is not someting I typically tell people, but from what you are saying it sounds like you both have the right mind set about this. But why don't you watch lez porn together, and see how she feels after, if she does get bi - curious, then are you both opposed to a threesome? My guess is that she loves you and will not leave you for another girl, especially if you experience it together. But I could be wrong. Just make sure you both communicate well, and it would probably be best if you agreed to only watch porn together. ( I know you tend to watch it more than she does, but if you do it together then it will make your relationship stronger, and she will be less likely to have a desire to cheat and same for you, although I'm not saying that would happen. Its just a simple way to prevent something like that from happening if there were a chance that it would.)But take it slowly don't put any pressure on her or anything, just do everything with her. I hope that helped!

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A male reader, Jager  United Kingdom +, writes (7 January 2010):

you have nothing to worry about. either nothing will come of this or you will over worry and it will become an isue. fantacy is very different from the real thing

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A male reader, Adhocracy Australia +, writes (7 January 2010):

Haha mate your predicament is interesting. Just support her in her choices and she may well be more inclined to listen to your suggestions yeah? Personaly when I'm playing with my girlfriend all I need is her beauty staring me back in the face. Jerk off to porn, make love to her. Also the fact that she doesnt masturbate much seems to be normal as my girlfriend hardly does it either, but it sounds you have a lass that might consider bringing another woman into your bedroom with both of you. That is something to be happy about mate, you should ask her how she feels about that yeah? xD

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A reader, anonymous, writes (7 January 2010):

i understand how she feels because my and my bf had the same problem and i think that everyone has their own fantasies that they will never act upon, this being one of them if she likes it then she should do what she feels will make her happy, but if shes having second thoughts maybe she shouldnt be watching porn at all.

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A female reader, Aussie girl Australia +, writes (7 January 2010):

Aussie girl agony auntIm not a lesbian, but nothing gets me hotter than watching lesbian porn or if Im struggling to come I'll think about it. And just because lesbian porn turns her on doesn't mean she's going to jump the next female she see's, not every fantasy has to become a reality.Go find some porn from porn hub with a mixture of lesbian and straight sex and kick back with your girl for a good night!

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