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Does anyone else like really rough sex?

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Question - (11 October 2010) 6 Answers - (Newest, 10 January 2011)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

So, I'm wondering. does anybody else love really really rough sex? i mean, i feel weird asking, but i dont want to be the only one. like, i love being slaped, called dirt names, and thrown around, choked (not hard but yeah). i love it, but i feel like kind of a whore :(

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A male reader, Cupid's Arrow United States +, writes (10 January 2011):

I don't mean to talk down to anyone, but as far as I'm concerned REAL MEN enjoy being dominant and REAL WOMEN enjoy being submissive.

You are a REAL WOMEN in my view. One who is in tune with her submissive side. Don't be ashamed of that. It's the people who go through life in a sexless, boring, restrained way, who should feel ashamed. Because many of them are not being who they really are. Not acting out the fantasies they're too ashamed to even admit they have.

So kudos to you for being so in touch with your sexuality at such a young age!

P.S. I used to call my ex a whore and a slut during sex and she loved it! She said was shocked. She never thought she would enjoy being called names while having sex. But she did. Live and learn.

Can you believe we're supposed to be sexually liberated as a society... yet this is still and issue for so many people?! Sad but true.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (5 December 2010):

Haha you're not the only one ;) but i'd draw the like at choking. A bit of biting is pretty good.

Honestly there's nothing wrong with you at all. Everyone has their own preference and yours is liking it rough. Good stuff!

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A female reader, MsClara Ireland +, writes (5 December 2010):

It's totally normal. I mean everyone has their own set of things that turn them on. I love bondage, some hairpulling, and spanking and I'm willing to try other things. Of course I think that you need to be with someone you trust and love, but why not? Feeling out of control can be intoxicating sometimes.

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A male reader, derek64g Canada +, writes (11 October 2010):

I hear ya!

I like me some rough sex too. getting scratched up, hair pulled, bitten, talked down too, totally awesome. but its even more fun when you have a girl who likes it as well. I like to have my hand(s) around a throat or full of hair, totally amazing!

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A male reader, Cerberus_Raphael Sweden +, writes (11 October 2010):

Cerberus_Raphael agony auntIt is just what you like, it is nothing to be ashamed of and you should not feel like a whore just because of that. You do not enjoy all of that in other aspects of your life though do you? Then that would be a problem. But if it just during sex, it is absolutely fine. Just be careful because, if the lover you are with is a freak, he might just end up seriously hurting you, to the point where it is not even fun or sexual anymore, it is just plain dangerous.

I hope that helps.

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A female reader, lacrymosa_652 United Kingdom +, writes (11 October 2010):

lacrymosa_652 agony auntHaha you're not the only one, there's plenty of people who like a bit of "rough action" and even more hardcore things [sadomasochism] so not to worry, you're not alone.

Yes there are people who may judge you a bit but these are people who wouldn't enjoy this themselves. There's always going to be something that somebody "doesn't get" because they don't have a preference for it themselves, if that makes sense.. like they'll think "why would somebody enjoy that?" But everyone has their own thing they enjoy and if you enjoy rough sex then i hope you find a partner to engage in this with who is respectful of you, and i hope you don't feel ashamed or anything because there's really no need :)

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