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Am I paranoid, or is my girlfriend cheating?

Q.   Hey, I've been with my gf for just under a year. The problem I have, is that there is another guy who I think my gf is cheating with. He is always in her room, with his clothes off and they have internet profiles in which if someone puts som...

A.   9 October 2005: ummm yeah, the part where he is always in her room with his clothes off is a dead giveaway. I don't know many guys who just hang out with no clothes in a girl's room for no reason. The internet profile thing is a dead giveaway as well. They have ... (read in full...)

I'm not sure I can express the feelings I have for the man I think I love...

Q.   I have been dating this guy for two years now off and on because of our differences. The way I was raised I don't really know what love is so I am not sure how to handle these feelings that are going on inside me. If what I feel is love, how do I ...

A.   9 October 2005: The best way to express love is to tell someone. Look him in his eyes and tell him "I love you." If things are they way that you think they are between the two of you then hopefully he will say it back and you two can have a new closeness and enter ... (read in full...)

I'm 6 years older than the guy I think I'm interested in. Problem?

Q.   I'm 23, he is 17. I really do like him. We like all the same kind of stuff and I am attracted to him and I kinda get the feeling he likes me too. Is it wrong? I think people would have a problem with it. Is it weird? I know it could never be anyth...

A.   9 October 2005: I can somewhat relate to this because I am 21 and liked an 18 year old at one point. I dont think it's wrong to like someone younger than you and if you really like him you shouldn't care what people think. You do need to realize though that with an ... (read in full...)

My ex is more responsible now and I want him back. Has he really changed?

Q.   I was dating this guy (for almost 4 years) who moved in with me and we have 2 wonderful children (ages 2 and 3). We are no longer together and he lives with someone else and her 3 kids, but continues to tell me he loves me and our children and ...

A.   9 October 2005: Being with someone that long gave you this feeling of comfort that you may now miss. I can't tell you whether you geninuely want him back or just think you do.... that is a question only you can answer. You do have to realize though that getting ... (read in full...)

Attracted to the girl-next-door, but she's only 15...

Q.   Confused male. I am nearly 20 and recently I have found myself having feelings for my next door neighbour, but she is 15. I don't know what to do about it. Can anyone help? I mean it's only 4 years difference. Does this matter?...

A.   9 October 2005: or wait til she's at least 18, so you don't go to jail... (read in full...)

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