Trying for a baby is ruining my marriage!
Q. My husband and I have been trying for a baby since our honeymoon one year ago...with no success. All hope is not lost at this stage, we've had tests done and the specialists are pretty confident we'll concieve if we keep trying, and that treatment ...
A. 14 November 2014: I feel for you I really do. My husband and I have been trying for a baby over a year and a half and no success it's stressing us both out and we have actually taken a break from trying. They say the more worked up you get about having kids the ... (read in full...)
Is it okay to make out with someone when you're about to break up with your girlfriend?
Q. Hi everyone. I was just wondering if it's okay to cheat if you're about to break up. I have a gf and i'm not really happy with things so i'm going to break up with her when I see her next. I was wondering if it's okay if I make out with someone ...
A. 1 December 2009: no way is it alright to cheat even if your about to break up. break up with her before you go off wiht some other girl one its not fair on your girl friend and its also not fair for the girl your making out with break up first is always better plus ... (read in full...)
I Cant Look At Her.
Q. Well my boyfriend broke up with me for like 2 weeks and thro that time, he was kinda flirting with this other girl but then After All The Flirting And sexy talk , he told her he still loves me and he didnt mean to lead her on ?, but how can he mean ...
A. 15 August 2009: im in a simular thing with my bf we have been together for 4 years n we broke up for a month n he slept with 3 other people n i cant look at them girls again knowing what they did, but think it this way you win, you have your guy back, but if you do ... (read in full...)
We got caught in the act - what to do now?
Q. My g/f and I went away with her family (parents, aunts, uncles and cousins) to a family gathering. This is the first time meeting a lot of these people.We went out to a party and after some drinks my g/f and I got a little frisky. Her grandparents ...
A. 2 April 2009: this sounds simular to me. me and my bf got courght doing a 69er and my mum and her partner and my aunt and uncle walked in on us. it was embarrasing at first but at the end of the day you two didnt really do any thing wrong deal with it, if your ... (read in full...)
It's really over and now it's hurting so much.
Q. Me and my boyfriend broke up. I'm so hurt. I really fell in love with him. I know I'm young and I never thought I could fall in love this young and share my feelings so strongly with another person but this boy was amazing. We were so close and ...
A. 27 January 2009: I understand how you feel, I was in a two year relaionship with a guy I was head over heals for, we where so good and strong untill the last few months of our relationship, when he told me he didn't love me and that he wanted to move on, I felt as ... (read in full...)
Do I give her the note I wrote telling her how I feel?
Q. So honestly, it's been 2 months but I know this feeling and it's love, me and this girl have gone out for almost a year before and now where back at the 2 months mark, but she just had an ex of 3 years and was really surprised when I started talking ...
A. 8 January 2009: you should follow your heart, somtimes your brain kicks in before and tells u the oppsit thing. but i think that if you love this girl so much and you have wrote the note already you should leave it for her, if this is truly how you feel, its nice ... (read in full...)
We are 236 miles apart... can this work?
Q. Can long distance Relationships work? (236 miles apart)...
A. 8 January 2009: i live in the uk n used to go out wiv a guy who lived in hawwie we saw each other about 3 times a year but he called most days. we lasted 2 years so the answer to your question is. if your willing to be with someone it does matter how far appart you ... (read in full...)
I'm so sad and desperate.How do I get over him?
Q. I fall in love with someone who will never love me back. But I just do not want to give him up, even I konw that I should. It's so hard for me. Sometimes we meet and I had the most romantic time with him. It's the most painful when we had to p...
A. 17 September 2008: get over him, theres plenty of nicer guys out there that will love you back, and you can have much more romantic times with some who does love you back. go out wiv you mates have fun and try and forget about this other lad, theres not point wasting ... (read in full...)
Any suggestions as to helping me sort out these problems I have with my girlfriend?
Q. My girlfriend and me have together for a year. But there's a few problems: 1: She has some body issues. She wears baggy clothing. (She thinks she's fat and she's not). 2: Trust issues. (Thinks I'm cheating - which I'm not) All because most of my fr...
A. 16 September 2008: i used to be like that when i was with my ex, we used to argue n i always thorght he was cheating, and i still have some body issues.the best thing to do is try and reasure her, work on one thing at a time, the main one that is most inportant to you ... (read in full...)
I keep losing my erection with my gf
Q. well i have a girl friend and we have been going out for 3moths and the first time we had sex i was hard but the 2 time we had sex i coulddnt get hard. for some some reason i masterbat 2 porn but only like a littil not alot i do it like 1 or 2 times ...
A. 16 September 2008: the bigest tip is to actually be in the mood for sex, if your not in the mood then your body is not going to re-act another tip is to lie on ur belly some times the nob gets hard when its pressed up against somthing. you could also try a bit of ... (read in full...)
Could this go anywhere, regardless of the age difference and distance between us?
Q. Okay, so one of my cousins moved to the USA (I live in the UK), and she has a friend who is a 16 year old guy. She introduced me to him via Instant Messenger, he is really, really nice and funny. I am only 13 and I truely feel as if I am in love...
A. 16 September 2008: if you are 100% sure you love him then why not have a go at a relationship with him, go for it girl and like u said theres no limits to love, talk to this guy and find out how he feels, if he does feel the same try a long distance relationship, who ... (read in full...)
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