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How did you neet your wife/husband/partner?

Uncle SneakerUncle Sneaker, posted over a year ago

Prompted by a recent question in the main site area, I thought it might be nice to ask how some of the aunties (and others) first met their long-term partner (those who have one!). My tale is perhaps a little out of the ordinary, and I have left some of it out for reasons that should be obvious when you read it. I think some of you may find it amusing:

1978. A small town in East Germany.

The door burst open.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

The voice was sharp and furious. And English.

I looked round, pausing what I was doing for a moment.

She looked completely wrong in this setting. The light was behind her, a single bare bulb hanging by a fraying flex in the passageway, but her long, red hair tumbling down around her shoulders, the knee-length skirt, the long legs and the accent that had more than a hint of an expensive English education were quite out of place in this type of establishment.

“I suppose it was your idea we should meet here?”

It was an accusation.

“No,” I protested. “I do what I’m told, just like you.”

She sniffed. “I doubt whether your orders included doing THAT.”

She indicated the semi-naked girl on the bed.

“You’re late. I was bored.” I was definitely on the defensive.

“I haven’t got all day,” she said haughtily. “You have some papers for me?”

“Of course.” I scrambled off the bed and reached for my trousers. It took only a second to retrieve the envelope from the back pocket. I held it out to her.

She was looking elsewhere. It was a minute or two before she looked up and met my eyes.

“I suppose,” she said slowly and deliberately with a quick glance downward again, “You’re going to tell me THAT is because you’re pleased to see me?”

As I tried to think of a suitable answer she snatched the envelope from my hand, spun round with a swirl of hair and anger, and marched purposefully from the room. The door at the end of the passageway slammed with a crash that made the walls shake and brought a sprinkling of dust and plaster down from the dilapidated ceiling.


That was the first time I met her. I did think of her afterwards, in embarrassment as much as anything else although she had been an attractive and impressive figure in that dirty room. The next time I saw her was some years later.


1984. South London, England

“...and this is Susan.”

“Nice to meet you.” I held out my hand politely, as one does at these functions. “Oh.”

I think the recognition was simultaneous, but we shook hands as though meeting formally for the first time, and our host moved on to someone else.

“You’re a bad man,” were her first words to me, after a quick glance around the room to see if anyone else was likely to be able to hear.

“It was a long time ago,” I pointed out. “I left that job four years ago. Are you still working for...?”

She shook her head. “No. I’m a writer now. Trying very hard to avoid writing anything that might fall foul of the OSA.” She laughed.

“I’m in transport,” I told her. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“Yes,” she replied musingly. “So... this time you ARE trying to tell me you’re pleased to see me?”

There was something decidedly wicked about her smile, and her brief downward glance left no doubt that she remembered our last meeting as vividly as I did.

“And you have the nerve to call ME bad?” I told her.

“If that German scrubber was the best you can do...” she said primly.

“I was bored. You were late.” I said.

“We’ve had this conversation before,” she replied. “Do you make a habit of screwing hookers?”

“That’s a blunt question.”

“I’m a blunt person.”

“Fair enough. No, it was a one-off,” I insisted. “As it happens, there hasn’t been anyone at all for the last four years.”

She raised her eyebrows disbelievingly. “In that job? You’re joking.”

“I’m not in that job,” I reminded her. “I’m in transport now.”

“Ah yes. You said. Very boring. So shall we go somewhere and find out just how pleased you are to see me?”

I nearly dropped my drink. “You don’t hang about!” I said, not particularly tactfully.

“I don’t make snap decisions,” she said severely. “In fact, I’ve been thinking about this one for six years, and so have you. I know my answer. What’s yours?”

She was absolutely right. The answer was, of course, a resounding YES.

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 14:31 (London time) - permalink
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TremorTremor, posted over a year ago

Bit of a hard act to follow! Ah well, here goes.

It's early 2006, about April. I'd just started work at the new supermarket, in the produce section. As it turns out, so had this lad.

I didn't pay a lot of attention to him for the first week or so - we were all learning new things, and the manager was a scary, SCARY woman. There was something about the click of the heels and the jingle of he keys that would strike fear into your heart...

Anyway. We didn't talk a lot at first, it was mostly just 'pass that crate of oranges'. But I did come to notice a certain endearing elf-like quality to him - average height, cheeky smile. Could well have been the Irish blood in him. =)

So after a few weeks, we all started to relax (That is, slack off). He and I started talking about music one day, and as it turned out, we were both Dresden Dolls fans. He asked if I'd heard of them and I jumped up and down and yelled "I love that band!!"

On reflection, I could probably have come up with a better reaction. But I guess it wasn't that bad, since he kept talking to me.

So we did the old number exchange (he asked for mine, I was quite thrilled). And we started texting between shifts, and then we started hanging out - nothing formal at all, mostly we just walked around town and talked a lot.

And it sort of went from there. We got closer, walking and talking progressed to sitting and talking, which progressed to cuddles and talking... You can see where I'm going with this.

Two years later, it's all still good. Neither of us works at the supermarket anymore, but we still go for walks on occasion. =)

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 15:33 (London time) - permalink
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TELLULAHTELLULAH, posted over a year ago

How dare you talks about me in zis manor,

I vas zat prostitute. And you my friend Vas Rubbish

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 15:41 (London time) - permalink
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Uncle SneakerUncle Sneaker, posted over a year ago

Ah, Tellulah darlin'. Wasn't my fault. I was interrupted and distracted.

Posted on 11 June 2008 @ 16:8 (London time) - permalink
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Aunt AudreyAunt Audrey, posted over a year ago

I met my husband whilst staying in a hotel in Turkey, he was asleep behind the bar when I woke him up for a beer! We've been together 21 years now............

Posted on 12 June 2008 @ 10:5 (London time) - permalink
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TELLULAHTELLULAH, posted over a year ago

How I met my current partner (and love of my life) was pretty boring really. Girl comes for job, Boss interviews girl, Girl gets job and after 7 years of getting nowhere, shags her way to the top. Boss! of course falls in love with her, and moves into her flat... Ta da!! (curtsey).

I did also, whilst mucking out the stable and then climbing over the gate, get bitten on the arse by the horse and flew over into some guys arms. We didnt really date, because he thought it was the funniest thing he had ever seen. And I couldnt stop crying... well it bloody well hurts, them horses have a really good grip.

Posted on 12 June 2008 @ 10:15 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

I vas zat Horse. And you mein fraulien had der very tasty arse but I zink you vos not ready for der 'stable' relationship.

Posted on 13 June 2008 @ 6:46 (London time) - permalink
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TELLULAHTELLULAH, posted over a year ago

Wiz!!! Just because you were hung like a horse, didnt make you a Sensitive lover. LOL X

That really made me laugh this morning.

Posted on 13 June 2008 @ 9:17 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Well its quite funny..

It was my first day of high school, 8th grade in a school with the majority of boys. Each year a a couple more girls would join. We had this absolute horrible initiation process 2 endure 4 the whole of the 1st term. all the girls had 2 crawl up 2 the headboy and propose and he would only choose one girl. I was chosen, lucky me or so i thought... i had to do exactly what the headboy said i should and what his immediate family or friends said. our very loving headboy rubbed me off on his little brother, in the 10th grade. he wasnt that bad and showed me the ropes off the school and introduced me 2 all the popular guys. we started hanging out and developed a good friendship. 2 years after that i went to the winter ball with him. he stuttered and blushed his way thru the evening and finally asked me 2 be his girl. still going strong...

Posted on 13 June 2008 @ 13:52 (London time) - permalink
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TELLULAHTELLULAH, posted over a year ago

Wow!! Wish i had gone to that school. Fancy being rubbed off by the head boy. All I got at school was jeered at because I had big booby's.

Posted on 13 June 2008 @ 15:8 (London time) - permalink
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jay12toesjay12toes, posted over a year ago

ahhh big boobys...... did i say that out loud.

anyways, i met my girl back in 10th grade, she was in 11th. thats right i like the older women lol. me and 2 of my friends had invited her to have lunch with us because she was new, well over time my 2 friends got there lunchs changed so now it was just me and her. after awhile i asked her out, and she said no. but i dont give up so easily. (well actually normaly i do, but for some reason she was differant) so i flirted with her every day for exactly a month and then asked her out again and she said "i guess", wooo hoo! thats better then no. we ahve been together for almost 5 years now and we got engaged last december. thankfully i got a better answer then "i guess" when i asked her to marry me.

Posted on 13 June 2008 @ 16:5 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Well, back when I was better known as 005……………..oh, never mind. Mine is so boring that I’m embarrassed to even tell it.

OK, wife No. 1 – At the start of my 3rd year in college, I had rented a new apartment, a small efficiency. The large apartment across the hall was owned by the woman who owned the 4 apartment house. After a couple of weeks, this young woman (1 year younger than me) came running out of the apartment across the hall and started frantically knocking on my door. I opened it and she told me in a panic that the oven in the kitchen across the hall was on fire. Well, she was staying in a spare room with the lady who owned the house and they had turned on the oven, forgetting that there was a loaf of bread in the oven. It was still in the plastic bag and the bag had melted and dripped on the heating element and caught fire. They used the oven to store food sometimes. So I went over and calmly turned off the oven and closed it so that the fire would go out from lack of oxygen. Fire out, no damage done, except for one messy oven. To make a long story short (and to not divulge what we started doing in my apartment) we got married 2 years later and stayed that way for 11 years.

Wife No. 2 (current and I hope last) – Not nearly as exciting. We both worked for the same company, in different sections of the same department. My wife had left me after 11 years and it had been 6 months since she had left and I hadn’t dated anyone yet. I heard that she was also divorced and started talking to her. In the 6 years that I had worked there, I had only talked to her about business issues. I was shy and had a difficult time meeting people, but was fine after getting to know somebody. She thought that I was stuck-up instead of shy and didn’t want anything to do with me. I finally got the courage to ask her for a date and she turned me down. She tried to ignore me and turned me down a second time.

Probably end of story, except that a week or so later some people from work were meeting at a country tavern. Neither of us knew that the other would be there. She drove with a friend and the friend gave her directions. She didn’t remember how to get there. They were playing country music and everyone at the table was dancing except the 2 of us. There were about 12 people in our group and neither of us liked country music. I moved over beside her and started talking to her. I was loosing my shyness and began being my normal funny self like I was with people who I know well. I’m cautious not to offend, especially people at work, so it takes me a while. We ended up sitting together for the rest of the night.

Well, her friend decided to leave with one of the guys, so this woman I was talking to had a problem. She didn’t know how to get home. She asked me if she could follow me until she knew where she was. I told her that some of us were going to my house for drinks and snacks after we left. I told her that I had to stop for some things at the all night market. She followed me there, I bought some stuff, and we went to my house to meet the 4 or so others who were stopping over. We all had a good time, but she wanted to get out before the others left. (I don’t know why. She was safe with me. Really.) I walked her out to her car and asked her out again. She accepted and we went out the next Thursday night. We had a good time and I took her home and didn’t try anything at all. I asked her out for Saturday and she said that she had dates with a guy she had been going with for several months for Friday and Saturday. The next morning, she was looking for me and found me in the hall and asked me where I was going. I told her that I was looking for a date for Saturday, as I had 2 tickets to a playoff hockey game. She said, “How about me.” I said, “I thought you had a date for Saturday.” She said, “He had to cancel.”

Had a great date Saturday night (no details) and asked if she had a date for the next Saturday. She told me that she had broken up with her boyfriend on Friday and was available for any night. That was 29 plus years ago and we have been together ever since.

Posted on 13 June 2008 @ 19:50 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Love at first sight. Went to a night club with friends, he was standing under the exit door and the light shone down, making him look like an angel. I just knew he'd asked me to dance, marry me and spend his whole life with me. I could see our children in my head.

Got it a little wrong. We did 18years, hit a rough patch and have been finished for the last 2years. He keeps contact though, so I guess I will probably see him for the rest of my life. My dream has come true, but from this end it's starting to look like a nightmare. LOL

Posted on 14 June 2008 @ 4:14 (London time) - permalink
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pepper27pepper27, posted over a year ago

I was on the pole in a club with my then 23yr old son pratting around and showing my cool moves...And my mate walked in with an extra tasty looking much to young for me male friend...We spoke a little (he was shy) cute IN A MANLY WAY!!!!! He met my son who was 2yrs older that this tasty oh so Gorgeous couldnt take my eyes of man!!!!!Little did I no he was trying to calculate my age on his phone...We went to a party at a friends house and he came back to mine, And he just held me for 3 nights I thought now you cant get more wonderfull than that can you...So I didnt let go and supprisingly enough he fell inlove with me and we got engaged ARRRRR! It still makes me go all weak at the knees bless him :)

Posted on 14 June 2008 @ 15:13 (London time) - permalink
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birdynumnumsbirdynumnums, posted over a year ago

I fell down the stairs...

I was in final year in high school. My friends and I regularly audited a course at the local University called Pubology 101. We knew the guy is charge of the Res Commons, so if there was a party or a dance, we always had free tickets and drinks.

My girlfriend is six feet tall, with straight, auburn hair down to her butt. She always attracted a lot of attention, but most of the guys were intimidated by her height, so they would ask me to dance instead *Yay* - talk about your perfect "wing-man" (she was our maid-of-honour). Gotta love the '70's and all those gorgeous young men with long hair!

We sat perched on a window sill, and I was fixated on a young guy in front of me with long, thick, wavy dark blonde hair, sitting dead still, wearing a navy blazer. I figured that he was either drunk, shy, or a bit of a snob. Turned out the blazer was from a private school (public in your neck-of-the-woods), he was extremely shy (he got over it) and a a bit drunk. I knew that the dance was going to end soon, and I finally told my girlfriend that I was going to ask him to dance because I was tired of waiting. Just then, a very tall guy asked her to dance - I recognized him as the long haired guy's friend. As I was busy watching them leave for the dance floor, I heard a voice ask me to dance. I turned, and it was him! ( it turns out, they had been sitting in front of us all night waiting to ask us too...) The Commons Room was a big room, they had a live band and a sunken dance floor. I proceeded to impress the object of my desire by falling down the steps on to the dance floor. I was mortified. He didn't seem to mind, and picked me up and reassured me that no one else could have possibly noticed. We danced all the rest of the dances together, until the band finished their last set and closing time was called.

I never as a rule gave out my phone number, but I did to him. He whipped out his bank book (how's that for smooth) and wrote my phone number and directions to my house in it. I still have that bank book sitting upstairs in my jewelry box.

I told my girlfriend two weeks later that he was the man that I was going to marry. He failed his first year at University because we were busy studying each other instead hitting the books. His Mother forgave me, only because I made him cut his hair! We have been very fortunate in life and very blessed to still have each other. And, he says, as soon as he retires, within the next few years, he's growing his hair long again! My boyfriend's back!

Dear Uncle Sneaker,

Did you write for Dell Paperbacks a while ago? Sounded like a John D. McDonald book. That was Fabulous and Nutty too! My Dad used to read anything about gumshoes...


Posted on 19 June 2008 @ 19:17 (London time) - permalink
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