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My boyfriends sex drive

meg21ukmeg21uk, posted over a year ago

Hi wondering if anyone can help, when i first started seeing my boyfriend a year ago our sex life was great and there was a lot of it now I 'm lucky if I get it once a week. I've tried talking to him about it but nothing changes. I have a really high sex drive and the lack of action is making me feel unattractive and frumpy. What more can I do?

Posted on 2 April 2006 @ 12:42 (London time) - permalink
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Rachx, posted over a year ago

I have posted a similar message about my beau! Honestly speaking I think men just get too comfy too quickly..Either that or god damn lazy! I too feel unattractive and fear it may be because he has gone off me but then I think if that was the case would he still be here?x Lets hope some wise one comes up with some good advice for both of us hey x

Posted on 4 April 2006 @ 21:42 (London time) - permalink
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meg21ukmeg21uk, posted over a year ago

Hi Rachx just thought i'd let you know I spoke to my bloke about what was going on and this time made him listen and it turns out he did have a problem - his mates had been boasting about their sex lives and what they think girls want and for some reason it made him feel innadequate and too embarressed to start anything! so things have now got back on track all he needed was a kick up the backside and a bit of reassurance, hope things improve for you!!

Posted on 8 April 2006 @ 16:27 (London time) - permalink
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usernameusername, posted over a year ago

Soooo. Things don't change much across the Atlantic. I just asked a question in the Q&A section because my boyfriend and I haven't had sex in about six weeks. Which probably doesn't seem like a long time, but we've only bee together for sic months. I'm afraid maybe we're slipping into the friend zone. You think this is crazy of me?

Posted on 28 July 2006 @ 23:12 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

Sure, why not?

If only women I meet and date have super massive sex drives.

Posted on 28 July 2006 @ 23:26 (London time) - permalink
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sexylinzsexylinz, posted over a year ago

aw martini you van always try dating me hehe

Posted on 29 July 2006 @ 0:20 (London time) - permalink
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, posted over a year ago

[laughs] I could, but then I fear I might tire you out in one day. [sigh]


Posted on 29 July 2006 @ 2:3 (London time) - permalink
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sexylinzsexylinz, posted over a year ago

never!!! haha (evil laugh)

Posted on 29 July 2006 @ 23:18 (London time) - permalink
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midgetgemmidgetgem, posted over a year ago


What a familiar situation!

I have a high sex drive and my partner doesn't. We've been together 2 yrs and initialy his low sex drive made me feel like I was lacking in some respect. I've finally become tolearnt: that that's just how it is with him. A lot of the time he's not in the mood or is worried about something else and just can't think about sex.

It IS really frustrating, I know he finds me attractive but when he turns me down I feel rubbish, really unatractive. The times I've turned him down he gets really upset and says it isn't the same because of my sex drive being so high.

As I've said Ive come to accept it but it doesn't make it any easier. I've learned not to push him when it comes to sex but have also laid down some of my expectations as well.

it hardly makes for an explosive relationship but we love each other and I'm happy to make the compromise.

I hope things work out for you x

Posted on 15 August 2006 @ 1:33 (London time) - permalink
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msali525, posted over a year ago


Your situation is just like mine, and I too get minimal affection/sex. I am doing the same as you, just trying to deal with this because I love everything else about him. I see you posted this almost a year ago and am wondering how you are doing? I am wondering myself how long I can take being rejected by him until it is too much to bear. It's been 3 years and I'm at a breaking point.


Posted on 24 July 2007 @ 6:51 (London time) - permalink
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lostlad, posted over a year ago

It's somewhat reassuring to read that this works the other way, ladies! I've posted a few messages on here about my situation (my girlfriend has a low sex drive and, despite living together, we only make love about once a month if we're lucky).

msali525 – as a guy, there’s not a lot of advice I can offer I’m afraid. People tell me to talk to my girlfriend about it, but as this has being going on with you for 3 years I imagine you must have done this at some point. I don’t think I have a “high” sex drive as such, but on the few occasions my girlfriend does turn to me I’ve never been known to knock her back!

This might be a very personal question, but midgetgem, meg21uk, do you think there is any reason why you have a high sex drive, or do you have any advice for my girlfriend on how to perk hers up?

Posted on 26 July 2007 @ 11:20 (London time) - permalink
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eddieeddie, posted over a year ago

I think this is a common problem. The trouble, in my opinion, is that the drive difference is not as noticeable in the beginning. The relationship is knew, exciting and sexually charged.

As time goes on, the routine sets in as well as life's other challenges. We ignore those while in the infatuation period of a knew relationship. At that point, the person with the lower sex drives begins to lose some of the interest more easily. They're already wired that way and were actually performing at a false high level based on a being in a new relationship.

I think that is the mechanics of it. The problem is this, the person with the higher drive is left wondering what happened and feeling rejected. The person with the lower drive still gets their needs fulfilled because the higher sexed partner is always ready to perform. They have to be because they realize they have to take it whenever they get a chance or it might be another 5,6 days or longer.

This is when the higher sexed person feels rejected and when resentment starts. The resentment grows because the person with the low sex drives calls all the shots. They have all the power and that never works. It starts to feel as if the person with the low drive gives out sex as if it were a reward. It's almost like your grandmother giving you a cookie for being a good boy. The lower sex person calls all the shots and the higher sexed person waits like a salivating Pavlov dog. The person with the high drive feels helpless.

The people with the high drive want their partner to desire them for their sexual traits. They want to be desired. When we feel undesired or rejected it builds resentment. Of course this is when we're vulnerable to affairs. Someone else starts to notice us and that makes us feel validated.

I always say it's easier for the low drive person to become a person with a higher drive. They need to realize that it's only sex. Once you get started, it feels good. You get an orgasm !! It's flattering too. This other person desires you. They want you ! It might take some work but it's all in the head. The person with the lower drive has to find a way to see it as fun and not a chore. I understand that they might not be wired that way but it's easier for them to make the change.

I say it's easier for them to make the change because we've already established that they enjoy sex. The issue is that it doesn't cross their minds as often, and when it does, there is no sense of urgency. Even if it did cross their minds, they could dismiss or postpone the idea and not feel any remorse. Imagine that sex is chocolate. You really enjoy chocolate every Tuesday night. Someone offer it to you on Friday and Sunday as well. You'd probably still like it.

In the end, we all want to be with someone who desires that part of us. The person with the low drive never feels rejected because they call the shots as far as sex goes.

Posted on 26 July 2007 @ 13:30 (London time) - permalink
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unseen, posted over a year ago

As a guy I see it as an issue unless you can shed some light on a few things. How old are you and How old is he?

I would love to keep my G/F of two years MORE active. I am fortunate to get it 1x per week myself. If I am REALLY fortunate I get it 2x a day and then for some reason or another a pretty big break(over a week is too long for me).

As a man myself I have to say if your b/f is no longer wanting sex then you need to be sure he is still into you. The "he's getting comfortable or lazy" excause is bs. Guys want sex ALL the time! We think about it NON STOP. The more intimate a guy is with his partner the better he feels. If he is declining or dodging it, something is wrong.

Posted on 16 April 2010 @ 0:18 (London time) - permalink
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tori2, posted over a year ago

I don't know about what age your BF is but as men get older they tend to lose a bit of that drive. They do get too comfortable in the relationship and can take you for granted. It is important not to let that happen. Mine was too comfy and was looking at other woman while we were out together so I had a real issue and argument with that. He promised he wouldn't do it again. Not to make it seem like I over reacted to a trivial thing as men will always look, but when your out for dinner and your BF looks past you several times throughout your conversation and drink, and you turn around to see a cute little blonde girl there and nothing else but the wall.... well it was way too obvious and disrespectful. So after I got angry and reacted it things dramatically changed. We went from maybe having sex once a week to 6 times a week. Then after a month went by I found he had gone to porno dating sites and was checking out naked woman and one imparticular...Jennifer Buckles body builder, I had it out with him again. Feeling the same way un-attracted and like I can't make him happy in bed even, that he has to reach out to porn sites etc. So he promised not to do it again. Some may say again I over reacted but when I asked him in the past to watch a porn flick with me he said he wasn't into that stuff. So I never brought it up again. Now to find that he is into it behind my back, is totally inappropriate and actually is on the edge of cheating. So if he has to reach out to other porn sites and woman for his needs and not to me then there is something seriously wrong. I told him that and told him that I was the only one I wanted him to be turned on with/by and if he wants to view that stuff do it with me not behind my back. As I won't stand for it. He has stopped, I know for a fact and he has agreed to watch porn with me. We haven't yet since this has been a recent event. But you may want to find out if he is secretly looking else where and if he is you need to talk before it becomes a huge problem. Sometimes looking turns into online contact and sometimes feelings and emotions can become involved and then it is too late for you both. Once that trust is gone it rarely comes back. But the most important this is while you are still in love to set the ground rules and values that you expect to be held up in your relationship. If he is having a problem with his libido, there are pills that work for that, my BF takes Testanon 2250 by Vitasport. And I saw a big difference. If he is shy or feels inadequate then you need to help him work through that. Good luck to you.

Posted on 20 April 2010 @ 22:36 (London time) - permalink
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