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Why does my friend acts this way?

Tagged as: Flirting, Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (29 May 2024) 3 Answers - (Newest, 4 June 2024)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Hi lovely cupids, I have a question about a friends behaviour.

Me and my best friend are so close and we do so much together. We’re both in relationships, for context.

However, I have noticed that when we go out, she seems to flirt with guys - it’s very innocent and harmless by all means. But if a guy seems interested in me, she will do anything to turn them her way. For example she will put her back to me completely when she’s with the guys - or one particular incident I noticed is a guy seemed to really want to talk to me and then she kept saying how weird he was to me. But then she made a huge effort touching him constantly and asking him if he wanted to do shots with her.

It doesn’t matter at all because as I said, I’m really happy in my relationship and in all honesty, I don’t flirt harmlessly with guys at all when we go out. It’s just not my thing and I have no energy to when I know I have someone amazing at home.

But I am intrigued about her behaviour. I honestly can’t figure out why she acts like this and I would love an outsiders perspective!

View related questions: best friend, flirt

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A male reader, Keen Fox United States +, writes (4 June 2024):

A lot of women are super competitive when it comes to attention from guys. They crave attention because it validates their attractiveness as a woman. I’ve noticed that even if a woman is in a happy relationship, she can’t help but crave attention from other men.

Your friend wants to feel like the most attractive woman in her friend group. If another girl in her friend group is getting more attention from guys, your friend will try to steal that attention. Women are very competitive with each other when it comes to attracting men.

How does your boyfriend feel about you going out and getting hit on by other guys?? My wife is a super curvy, bodacious woman so her body gets a ton of attention from men and there’s not much she can do about it. If I’m not with her, she constantly gets hit on by other men. It’s exhausting so we normally go out together. I still allow her to go out without me, but she has to make it super clear to guys that she’s taken. I definitely would NOT allow her to be touched by other men. She’s free to go out if she wants to because I’m not a controlling man. But it’s much better if we go out together and I keep my arm around her waist, then I see other guys back off because they see that she’s mine. That’s how my wife and I have navigated this and set boundaries to protect our relationship. By the way, I have boundaries too and even though I look at other girls when we go out and I sometimes talk to them, she would kill me if I ever touched another woman. Is your boyfriend actually okay with other men touching you? You need to have a talk with your boyfriend and establish clearer boundaries.

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A male reader, kenny United Kingdom + , writes (3 June 2024):

kenny agony auntIts good you say that you are happy in your relationship and you don't flirt with guys.

I think the problem is when she is out with you she gives off the vibe of being single, and because you are with her guys presume that because she is flirting and touching guys think you are single too.

A bit of an awkward uncomfortable situation to be in really because I'm sure you don't want this attention.

Its hard to say why she acts like this, could be a myriad of reason really, you know her better than we do.

IS she happy in her relationship?. Has she always been like this for as long as you can remember?.

If am perfectly honest I would not like to be the guy sitting at home while my girlfriend is fliting, touching and doing shots with other guys, think its shows disrespect.

If its drawing unwanted attention to you then all you can do is politely mention it maybe that she tones it down a bit.

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (1 June 2024):

Honeypie agony aunt1. She is jealous OR she is just very competitive.

You can choose to either sit back and watch the show or excuse yourself and leave - up to you.

She sounds exhausting.

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