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Why are we so awkward around each other?

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Question - (30 May 2024) 2 Answers - (Newest, 4 June 2024)
A female United Kingdom age 26-29, anonymous writes:

There's this guy I like. I find him really attractive but for some reason I just can't talk to him. I can say maybe a couple of sentences to him and then the conversation dies out. Vice versa if he starts the conversation. I can talk to his friends just fine, and find myself building friendships with them. But with him, it's always so awkward. Therefore, I'm not friends with him even though I'm friends with everyone else he knows.

He seems to be awkward around me as well. He told mutual friends that he finds me attractive, but there's an awkward silence when we're alone together. For instance, we were all hanging out in a group in his room. Everyone was talking to eachother. But then his friends left and I was left alone with him. There was this awkward silence for a minute, so I said "see you later!" And left.

This happens almost every time I make conversation with him. It just doesn't go anywhere and it ends up with both of us looking/feeling awkward. The conversation is stilted and unnatural.

I don't know why we can't talk to each other like friends. We're both quite shy so that might be part of the problem. Is it probably just a case of our personalities don't click and we're therefore incompatible, or is it something else?

What can I do to cultivate a friendship with him and feel more comfortable?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (4 June 2024):

You're both shy and attracted to each other and that's why you both feel awkward.

Have you his phone number? Maybe you could have some text conversations and break the ice that way. It takes a lot for a guy to ask a girl out. He risks rejection and as his friends know he likes you, he also risks losing face in front of them.

Did you tell your friends you like him? Maybe they could mediate. Once he's certain you like him too, he might pluck up the courage to ask you out.

I hope it works out for you.

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A male reader, kenny United Kingdom +, writes (3 June 2024):

kenny agony auntMaybe the conversation is harder because you both fancy each other. A bit like getting tongue tied when you chat to someone you are head over heels for.

why don't you suggest an activity where its just the two of you, maybe start with coffee of something and prepare some conversations starters before you go.

I'm am sure after a couple of occasions you will loosen up with each other and the conversation will flow easy and effortlessly.

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