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Why do they say they are bi

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Question - (2 July 2024) 3 Answers - (Newest, 5 July 2024)
A male United States age 41-50, anonymous writes:

What is it with women saying they're bi when they're not? I mean, why tell your boyfriend and everyone that if you're not experienced in dating or at least having sex with a woman? Why say that if you get mad your boyfriend wants to check out look at pork with you that's women on woman? I can sort of see a three way once in awhile even being a problem because most people are monogamous, and it seems like cheating even with permission and participation but then why bother saying it at all? These girls are everywhere and it's annoying

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A male reader, Keen Fox United States +, writes (5 July 2024):

How do you know “they are not”? Statistically, bisexuality is more common in women than in men. My wife told me she’s bi. It has no impact on our marriage - she still finds me extremely attractive and we have a great sex life. She is simply aroused by attractive women as well as men. It was helpful to know so we can strategize how to best protect our marriage. For example, when we go to the beach there are public changing rooms (one for men, one for women) where you can change in/out of your swimwear. She should feel aroused in there (women’s room) so to protect our marriage, she waits until she can get a private shell in the bathroom and changes there instead. Same thing with the locker room at the gym. She can get super aroused if she sees a naked woman so she is intentionally trying to avoid those situations so she can avoid temptation and save her arousal for our bedroom instead.

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (4 July 2024):

Honeypie agony auntI think a lot of people who says they are bi - are probably bi.

They are attracted to BOTH men and women - doesn't mean they want to date a woman (long term) or even have sex with a woman.

Or they are very young and not sure WHAT they want.

And then there is the "label insanity" of the day - being straight these days is "publicly" seen as mundane and boing. So people add the bi-"suffix" to seem more interested.

Why would a GF not want to look a lesbian pron with their BF? Because then she is not only competing with ONE "porn-star" but two! Maybe pron makes her uncomfortable.

You are in you 40-50 and call women "girls" are you dating YOUNG women? If so, maybe that is your mistake.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (4 July 2024):

Why say they're bi with no dating or sex experience? Because at some point, YOU were inexperin ers youwhich gendced in those things and probably didn't identify as asexual. Lesbian, gay, bisexual etc is based which gender or genders a person is attracted to, that's all! It does NOT mean they enjoy "porn" or watch it with you. Nor does it mean they're ever or always fantasizing sexual about anyone else.

Bisexuality don't usually date both, they date EITHER.

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