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Why did my dad wait till now to tell us we have a sister?

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Question - (25 July 2024) 0 Answers - (Newest, )
A female United States age 22-25, anonymous writes:

My older half brother(same father), my younger full sister and myself were attending our father's wedding. He's 50 and is expecting a son with his 32 year old secretary. At the wedding, he introduces us to a woman who he tells us is our sister. She's younger than me but older than my sister. We never knew she existed or that we had another sibling! Our new sister talks with us about how wonderful "father" was and how lucky we were to be around him as she had not seen him in 2 years. She spoke of being with him on his boat when she was a child but rarely seeing him. She said the people she lived with cared for her material needs but that father cared for her emotional needs We don't know if these other parents are her biological mother and a stepfather. She's used this other guy's last name but says she is now taking dad's name as her current last name no longer serves a purpose. She says she will never be separated from father again. Then, she jumped my sister about a strained relationship with dad. What the hell? Why wouldn't he tell us? Why does she seem to hate her "parents" and seem so obsessed about dad? Why does she seem to resent my/our youngest sister? Why is her mom such a secret/mystery?

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