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My husband is away and won't take calls. How do I cope?

Tagged as: Family, Marriage problems<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (25 July 2024) 0 Answers - (Newest, )
A female United States age 36-40, anonymous writes:

Dear Cupid

My spouse of 3 years went to visit his mother and since she is sick, original plan was for him to stay with her for 2 days and return back home

It’s been 4 days already nd he is not picking any of my calls and responds to my text may be like once a day, won’t tell me when he is coming home. He says his mom is better but won’t say why he is still there and when he would be back

I cannot go until weekend due to my work and our kid is in school. He has not talked to our son also

I don’t know what is happening, am worried sick. Planning to wait till weekend and drive there myself

We had normal fights but not anything serious I could think of, only thing I could think of I he recently got back with his childhood friend and he was a drug addict and not now. Lately there is alit of calls and messages between them

Don’t know how to cope for next 2 days, any advice would help

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