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What can I do to get closer to him?

Tagged as: Dating, Friends, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (8 March 2007) 4 Answers - (Newest, 8 March 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, *kimx writes:

well most of you know about the boy thats on sniff and sleeps around that in falling in love with, its git worswe we used to ring eachother all the time and talk sometimes it go and meet him but we didnt do anything , so he got bored moved on to anyother girl (older) now he doesnt really seem bothered anymore ,he has told everyone i keep ringing him abd txtin him dirty messages but he hasnt told everyone he is doing it back so everyone thinks im annoying him , i saw him yesturday as i was getting off the bus , i try to be angry with him but his smle makes me smile , he acts all shy and cute round me and he always stares at me then wen i look he looks away , does he still like me and dont want anyone to no? i dnt no because if thats was so why does he tell everyone , he is so fucked up on drugs he probably nt no but i cnt help loving him , what can i do to get closer to him ??

please help most agony aunts on other sites dnt really help me or answer me question properly so i hope this sites better and thankyou xxx

View related questions: drugs, shy

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A female reader, AngelofLove United Kingdom +, writes (8 March 2007):

AngelofLove agony auntYou cannot change the past but you control the present. Make it a future to be proud of!!!

So what you have sent him dirty messages, if you want respect now, it is very simple. STOP IT!

Find someone worth your time.

Good luck

Angel of Love

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A female reader, endless_tamara Canada +, writes (8 March 2007):

i agree with auntie t on this one....having been "on the sniff" myself in the past, i know that you are a completely different person than when you are sober....this guy sounds like an a**hole dangling you along on a string, and theres absolutely no reason that you should put up with it....he just likes the idea of having 2 (at least) pretty girls to toy with.....ditch 'im!

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A female reader, aunty t Ireland +, writes (8 March 2007):

aunty t agony auntIt is very hard when you are attracted to someone and you dont know how they feel about you. This guy seems very messed up and I would advise you to steer clear of him. When you are on drugs your head and moods are all over the place so if you did hook up with him it would be a rocky ride anyway. I dont think that he feels the same way about you and I can understand why you are annoyed with him. Let hime get on with it do you really want to waste your time chasing after hime when you know he sleeps around. I can understand that you love him and this will be hard for you but I really feel that you are just setting yourself up for a major heartache.

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A female reader, Bella55 South Africa +, writes (8 March 2007):

Im sorry but youre wasting your time on someone who doesnt care. They are too preoccupied about their sniffing and couldnt care less about you. Move on, fall inlove with a real man.

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