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Suggested sexual positions please!

Tagged as: Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (19 November 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 19 November 2009)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

ok well me n my best guy friend r plannin on doin it n we want to kow what kind of um sex positions can we do???

plz tell me all da ones u know n explain them to me plz im desperate

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (19 November 2009):

Babes, if this is your first time, then you don't need to think about tons of sex positions. Plain missionary, with woman on her back, and man on top is the best. Other more advance positions come with experience. If your a virgin, he won't be expecting you to know everything. It's important that he takes time with you. Having sex for the first time is not like the movies. It can hurt, and for many women it's no fun at all. That's why the man must be slow. He dose most of the work. It's important for him to caress you, kiss you, and make your body relaxed enough, so sex is not to painfull. It goes without saying, that you need to be in a safe place, where noone will walk in and distirb you, and that you have both sorted out some type of contraceptive.

You need to concentrate on what makes you feel good, and how you feel, that's the only important thing. No matter what, most men have fun durring sex, even if you only lie there and do nothing. For women it's a lot harder, and the fact that you put so much emphasis on sex positions, makes me wonder if you are really ready for what will come.

I wish you good luck.

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