writes:We've all have in been relationships and dates, some of which have ended in good terms and some of which have ended badly. And honestly, a relationship takes more than saying the three words, 'I love you.' Mostly the reasons for relationships last long are devotion, honesty, trust,and true love, and all of those are pretty hard to find. On the other side of the coin, relationships do end, and why because of dishonesty, cheating, abuse, possessiveness and irreconcible differences. These are some reasons, but there are more. So to keep your relationship to last here are some do's:1.Be open and honest with each other. This is a must, and it is important especially for your partner and or potential partner because the first thing you want to do is get to know that person. Get to know the person's feelings as well as the person's insecurities and dislikes. It is best to start being open and honest from the beginning of the relationship because letting your partner know of any insecurities then may help the person and give him/her an idea to make you feel comfortable and assuring you that what you may fear may not happen again.2.Make time for each other. Whether you have been dating for awhile or just starting out, another important thing is to have time for that person. It can be talking on the phone, going out to the movies, or even just hanging out at home. This may be harder for long distance relationships, but the best is talking on the phone. Having that time for that person shows that you care about him/her and that you want to be with that person.3.Be able to love the person for who he/she is and be willing to help your partner become a better person. You may be at the point of saying 'I love you,' or have been there; whether it is on numerous dates and sex; but with every person you find that may be perfect come some imperfections. There may be something about that person that you may not like or cannot stand, so the best to do is to sit down and talk about them openly and not say it in a way to hurt your partner's feelings. Say that you are saying it because you love that person and want to help you in becoming a better person and not to insult you. Be willing to do the same with your partner and work together to help each other out to become better people. Doing this may strengthen the relationship and put it to a test to see if you can accept a person's imperfections and help them in improving themselves.4.Be there for that person. Not only making time is important, it is also good to be there when he/she needs you whether the person is sick, having trouble with something, needs cheering up, needs company on a double date, or wants to see you. Always be there. Like making time, if you can make time to call, you make time to be with that person as well.5.Compromise. You and your partner or potential partner once going out may have to be fair with one another. This was one of the problems I had in my relationship and the honesty issue. When it comes to being with someone, you have to be willing to give the person what he or she wants. You may be use to having what you want, but now that you are in a relationship, you have to be able to make things fair. So, you may have to make a few changes in your schedule to do things that you may not really like or not use to, but do it because you love the person or in love with the person. This is also key in keeping your relationship. Make sure that you two are being fair with each other in giving the person what he/she wants to do to show that you support him/her. Now here are some of the don'ts:1.Do not force your partner do something they strongly feel uncomfortable with. This may be a turn off and it may lead to a donwhill turn in the relationship. Forcing someone to do something that they feel uncomfortable with is not a way to get what you want. It has to be fair. 2. Don't insult your partner. What no one wants is to be insulted. A person that just insults you for your flaws is not worth your time. A person that insults you only leads to you crying, so do not let that person hurt you. Leave immediately.3. Do not always make every activity be only what you want. Similar to number one, this also a way to tell the relationship may be going downhill. Always making everything about you screams, "Attention," and you are in a relationship, so the attention has to be shared. 4. Do not show any signs of bad manners or lack of respect. That is another turn off, bad manners or no respect for others. If you do so, that person may not want to really be around you especially on a first date.5. Don't hide anything from each other. The most important thing is not to lie, and if you hid anything, that may mean you are not telling that person something, so be open. If you keep doing so, your partner may assume that he/she may not be able to trust you. So to keep that trust, do not hide anything at all.I'm sure there are more of both of these, but these are just the important and common ones.
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reader, anonymous, writes (8 May 2008): Wow. Pretty good, you've made some good points there. For example, Number 5 - Compromise. I think a lot of people just give up instead of trying to work around problems. Every relationship is bound to have problems, and although it's unfortunate, you've just got to accept that. And if you do put the work in, that's when you truly realise how much you do love them.