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Should I go to her baby shower?

Tagged as: Family, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (23 March 2012) 4 Answers - (Newest, 24 March 2012)
A female United States age 30-35, *onya A writes:

So my brothers ex girlfiend is pregnant. Me and her have been friends since high school we stopped talking for a while when I went to college but when I came back we just picked up where we left off. Now ive lost a best friend because of her b/c she also has a baby with my ex-bestfriends bf....but besides tht shes a real WANNA BE DIVA...her attitude is so flip flop one min she can be the bestfriend u never had and then the next a total BITCH. Shes been there for me also her family. But they can be the type of people who gossip abt people besides all tht we,recently had,a big falling out and it was not huge but she made it huge and we stopped talkin.....she was doing a whole lot of name calling and trash talkin...things like ”fuck friends” and name calling and she even had the nerve to bring my family in it but even tho she called no names I know she was talkin abt me. So I made up my mind I wasnt going to her baby shower even though im the auntie but recently her Aunt called and tried to explain an talk the situation out and she called and denied everything an apologized repeatedly abt makin it so huge...but afterwards it seems like she,went right back to social websites and tryin to bash me on the sneak tip like she did before after all the,apologizing and reinviting us back to the babyshower...she txts every now and then and she tries to act like were cool...but my question all comes dwn to this should I let this friendship go and NOT GO to the babyshower????.....

View related questions: best friend, my ex

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A female reader, CindyCares Italy +, writes (24 March 2012):

CindyCares agony auntYes, way too much drama and gossiping, drop the friend and don't attend the baby shower.

But, noblesse oblige : send a gift anyway ( the unborn baby has no faults in that !)

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A female reader, tennisstar88 United States +, writes (24 March 2012):

tennisstar88 agony auntNo. Aunt or not, you're definitely not obligated to attend. The only people attending this shower will be HER friends and family. Since she's been trash talking your family, I doubt they're going to attend.

If you want to gift the baby something, then give it to your brother to use at his home.

Save yourself the drama and don't RSVP.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (23 March 2012):

no don't go to the baby shower. Yes you're the aunt but baby showers are not for the baby - the baby isn't even born yet. it's for the mother-to-be. And she's a complete b!#$% to you so you owe her nothing.

when the kid is born, you can be an aunt by hang out with your new niece/nephew with your brother (the dad), you don't have to have a friendship with the mother.

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A male reader, Sageoldguy1465 United States +, writes (23 March 2012):

Sageoldguy1465 agony auntI think your submittal all comes down to this (your words):

"......but my question all comes dwn to this should I let this friendship go and NOT GO to the babyshower????...."

BOTH questions have the same answer.... and ONLY YOU can make that answer....

From the description you give... and, if I were you... my answer would be "yes, and yes..."

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