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Should I give up that easily?

Tagged as: Dating, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (10 October 2008) 4 Answers - (Newest, 11 October 2008)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

So i'm dating this guy. he's a year older than me. i've known him for about a year. the whole time we've been friends he was the sweetest guy i've ever met. we just started dating 2 days ago. now it seems like he's a complete jerk. he makes jokes about nazis. and im a jew. he says he hates me. he sounds serious and doesnt tell me hes kidding until i ask. when i told him it bothered me he did it again. then he skipped class with his friend. his friend is dating my friend. so his friend me and my friend went to lunch. and he ditched me to go with one of my guy friends to lunch. and get high. and i had his friend talk to him and he said i need to ease up. he's only a sweet guy when were all alone. i heard that he was saying stuff like i assumed we were dating he didn't exactly ask me. and he did ask me. i heard he was going to break up with me. i talked to him and said all that wasnt true. but i dont know. i really like him. and i had to compete kinda to get him. i dont wanna give up that easy. wut should i do?

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A female reader, honeychild4402 United Kingdom +, writes (11 October 2008):

honeychild4402 agony auntif i was you i would ignore him now and then and treat him exaclty the same...see how he likes it!!! or even better, why dont you brake up with him first if youve heard hes going to do it to you, quite bluntly you need to show this guy that you wont take his shit! it will be such a slap in the face for him, he'l come running back and start treating u with the respect you need..or he may not, whatever the deal, u dont need someone treatin u lke this! i know u like him but you know how the saying goes 'treat em mean keep em keen' and its true, the people who treat us bad are the ones we seem to like even more! anyway good luck with whatever your decision

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (11 October 2008):

Ditch this jerk! Believe me you will be so much happier when you do!

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A male reader, fishnchips United Kingdom +, writes (11 October 2008):

i agree with the first answer, it may be difficult but just let him know how you feel and if he carries on then you should move on and find someone else, you deserve better.

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A female reader, :):):) United Kingdom +, writes (11 October 2008):

Hes obviously too immature to be dating anyone. He may be sweet to you when you are alone but you deserve a more respect than that. Move on and find someone who treats you as you should be treated. x

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