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Tagged as: Teenage, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (1 July 2024) 0 Answers - (Newest, )
A female age 13-15, *ouise1234 writes:

My school has a very strict school detention policy, it states that any pupil that earns 3 detentions will automatically have to serve a 4 hour 30 minute saturday detention, the student will also have to the serve the original 1hour 30 minute detention, last tuesday i kept messing around in class my teacher told me several times to behave i ignored her and continued to misbehave, she gave me one last warning but i ignored her, in the end she shouted ( THATS IT I HAVE HAD ENOUGH DETENTION 1 AND A HALF HOURS FRIDAY ) it was only after the lesson that i realised this was my third detention this time, and thats means saturday detention, i said sorry to my teacher and begged her to let me off, she refused saying it was my own fault and i deserved the punishment i was getting.

Anyway friday i served my 1 and a half hour detention which was very dull and boring , but the saturday detention was absoletly HORRIBLE

this was the timetable,

845AM registration and school uniform inspection, we had to have our collors done up, ties neat and tidy, blazers on and shoes polished.

9AM---11AM we had to sit in TOTAL silence and write a 4 page essay on what we had done wrong and why we were being punished.

11AM-- 1115 AM 15 minute break

1115AM---115PM write a 4 page essay on what we have learned from saturday detention.

1 15pm tidy classroom and go home

it was a misreable punishment i missed going out friday evening and of course saturday, to make things worse my mum picked me up from school and took me shopping in my school uniform, my saturday was misreable, did i deserve to suffer this much ?

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