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My lover lied to me and is running around with a married woman--how can I get over him?

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Question - (20 June 2007) 1 Answers - (Newest, 20 June 2007)
A female United States age 51-59, anonymous writes:

I was dating someone for about 9 months whom i met at work. I thought he was the one. He loved me (or so I thought) and I felt the same. I believed we were a perfect match. we talked about moving in and getting married.

In the last couple of months he has been really bad mouthing a co-worker of his (married woman). Turns out they had something going on. She got him a promotion and that's when things started changing. He started making excuses why he couldn't go to lunch with me (had lunch with her) and how he couldn't stop by my desk because it looked bad. If I stopped in his office he said he was running out so I wouldn't stay and actually told me that a reliable source mentioned I may be losing my job (i am a single mother) and suggested I start looking for something outside the company.

I realize now it was all part of cutting me out of the picture and my job is fine. Throw everything away for a married woman who obviously could help him with his career and had no regard for my job or feelings. Of course he lied and denied it and said I was crazy and made it all up in my head. She had called his house the last week we were together at 11 PM so I know I was right on. What kind of a person does this? Anti Social personality? I feel so bad about myself now like he just felt she was better, smarter and makes a lot more then myself. and how can I actually still feel like I miss him after all he did?

View related questions: at work, co-worker, married woman

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A female reader, YummyMummy United Kingdom +, writes (20 June 2007):

YummyMummy agony auntIts crap how some people can really do some horrible things to you and you still love them. I really feel for you hunni. The guy is a complete sleeze bag and I hoep the married woman one days makes him feel how he's made you feel.

I don't think there is a strict kind of person that does a thing like he's done. Just someone who obviously will hurt anybody and do anything to further his career.

You are better than the pair of them. Concentrate on being a great mummy and have some you time and forget him because as much as you care about him he really isn't worth the pain you're going through!


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