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I want to live with my uncle that took care of me not my parents

Tagged as: Family, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 July 2024) 1 Answers - (Newest, 27 July 2024)
A female United States age 13-15, anonymous writes:

When I was a kid, my parents got into trouble for drugs and was sentenced to prison. My Uncle Justin has always been single with no kids.

He was the family member who took me in. All my other uncles, aunts and grandparents couldn't due to different reasons (grandparents are elderly, financial reasons, health issues of their own, est.).

Uncle Justin turned one of his guest rooms into my bedroom. My clothes were too small for me so he took me to the mall and bought me new clothes.

Uncle Justin has helped me with school, after school activities, my hobbies, and everything that a parent would usually do.

The problem is that my parents are getting released soon. Is it wrong that I want to continue living with my Uncle Justin and not my parents when they are released?

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A female reader, Youcannotbeserious United Kingdom +, writes (27 July 2024):

Youcannotbeserious agony auntIt's not "wrong" but there are more people here than just you. You need to discuss this, firstly with your uncle and then, if he is in agreement to looking after you going forward, with your parents.

Your parents have done their time and, hopefully, learned their lesson. You are still their daughter, regardless of how badly they have behaved in the past.

As well as the four people directly involved, I assume some authorities will be involved in making sure you are ok. (I am in UK so I don't know how the US system works.)

Speak with your uncle first and see what he thinks.

Good luck.

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