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Is he just having fun with me when she's in one of her moods?

Tagged as: Three is a crowd<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (10 November 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 10 November 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 51-59, anonymous writes:

i have been seeing a guy for six month, but he has a girlfriend, he doesn't live with her, says that he wants to be with me, but he feels sorry for her and cant end it just yet. we do get on very well, both of us have told each other we love each other, he tells me that they are always arguing, and he doesn't have the same interests, this last month or so, i have began to think that he is just having a bit of fun with me, when she gets one of her moods on her, he is 53, i am 40, she is 44

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (10 November 2008):

this guy is having his cake and eating it,do you really believe he is going to give his girlfriend up just as long as he can get away with it

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A female reader, xXxLisaxXx United Kingdom +, writes (10 November 2008):

Hiya now I am alot younger than you but i am in the same situation as you but worse as he lives with his girlfriend!! How long have you been seeing him? For me its been 18 months and I have finally pushed him to make a choice. If this guy has been with this woman for a long time then you need to give him the chance to break away from it all if he hasnt then is he sure about you? You need to confront him. If you want this realtionship to go further then you need to talk to him let him know your not going to be the other woman. The man I am seeing is 11 years older than me. You cant settle for being second best and i had to make a difficult choice but in the end it suits you either way you come out of a situations stronger as a person or you get what you want. Hope I have helped xx

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