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Is he into the occult? Are black rings significant?

Tagged as: Friends, Troubled relationships, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (10 October 2016) 7 Answers - (Newest, 11 October 2016)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Dear Aunts

I made friends with a guy through facebook. We started chatting , all friendly tho , then I was going through his Facebook likes and things.

I saw he liked a lot of Facebook pages such as Free masonry , Mystic Order, Wiccan rites etc..

I know everyone has the right to have hobbies and explore things but what do you think?

Ps, He and his friends wear black rings..


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A female reader, Ciar Canada +, writes (11 October 2016):

Ciar agony auntAgreed, re black rings/swingers. This is a recent thing that some are hoping will become the norm. I've known swingers as well, and none of them wore special rings or had special handshakes or any other codes or colours.

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused United States +, writes (11 October 2016):

So_Very_Confused agony auntI was a swinger and we never wore anything to denote our lifestyle.

My current husband wears a black ring. It means HE LIKES IT. Nothing more nothing less.

Wicca is a recognized religion.

Free Masons are a respected group (many US presidents have been Free Masons)

I have no clue what Mystic Order is.

You should NOT be afraid to ask him what this means. In fact, if you are afraid, then it may not bode well for the friendship.

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A female reader, Ciar Canada +, writes (10 October 2016):

Ciar agony auntFrom what I've read the 'asexuality' is only if the black rings are worn on the middle finger. Otherwise, it could suggest an involvement in the swinger lifestyle.

It would be more consistent with dabbling in pagan beliefs, as black rings have been used as far back as ancient times and there has been a renewed interest in them, more often than not I suspect simply because they look nice.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 October 2016):

There's and echo in the room! You have to ask him. He may not necessarily give you an honest answer; if he thinks you may be offended or have a problem with it. Sometimes they're sworn to secrecy and may not tell you.

Err on the side of caution. Go with your gut if it makes you uneasy. If he and all his friends wear the black rings, it's safe to assume they're members within some order or fraternity. If your values and beliefs don't accept occult activities, back-off and don't get mixed-up in it; no matter what it is.

Trust can only be built on transparency and honesty. Creepy hobbies, unconventional religions, and other activities you don't understand fall under the category of red-flag and/or deal-breaker. You can ask, but that doesn't really guarantee an honest answer.

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A female reader, CindyCares Italy +, writes (10 October 2016):

CindyCares agony aunt You get the third " ask him ", all we can do is guess and ,with so little to go on, our guess is as good as yours.

My impression, FWIW, is that he is just dabbling in metaphysics , i.e. as you say, just exploring interesting things.

He liked things that are so very different among them !, and the first two ( Free masonry and the Mystuc Order ...of , I suppose, Rosicrucians ) have nothing to do with the occult in the sense of " magic " , spells and stuff like that. ( Free Masons and Rosicrucians would have a conniption knowing they are compared to neo-pagans !)

Wicca , yes, is a neopagan religion, more based on the

" occult " in the HarryPotterish sense this word is now commonly intended- but , even if he were a Wiccan, it does not have to mean anything sinister. Wicca is, at the end of the day, a religion- with beliefs and practices which are hard to understand for non - believers; same as it happens for ANY religion. There are not many Wiccans in UK, but they are almost a million and a half in USA, and with a few twisted, sick exceptions of Satanist cults and the like- ... they are

just regular people like everybody else. They've got jobs, they've got kids, they've got mortgages,'s even disappointing how un-exotic and unexceptional they are in their daily life.

As for the rings , I have no idea, I guess that if all his friends wear the same black rings it must mean something to them. But, as Andie says, purity , and asexuality, rings are often black ( so, before starting making naughty plans about him...find out what the ring means, lol ): and also, black rings in tungsten or polished steel have come much in fashion lately, so it may be just a fashion statement.

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A female reader, Andie's Thoughts United Kingdom +, writes (10 October 2016):

Andie's Thoughts agony auntBlack rings can symbolise asexuality, but if his friends wear them too, a "club" of some sort is more likely.

Ask him.

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (10 October 2016):

Honeypie agony auntYou have made friends with him and you ask US (total strangers who know neither of you) if he is into the occult?

I would be OCCULT if I could tell you!

Ask him. My crystal ball tells me that is the BEST way for you to get those kind of answers.

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