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I'm running out of time, what guy do I choose ? ?

Tagged as: Dating, Three is a crowd<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (19 January 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 19 January 2009)
A female United States age 41-50, *ikki3232 writes:

I'm running out of time, who do I choose ?

I'm 31 years old, never married, no kids, successful.

I dated a man for 4 years, lived together for 3 years, we had a great relationship...long story short, he wanted to sell his house and move to another state, I on the other hand, did not want to go just yet, maybe in a few years. We ended up getting into an arguement about it one night, the next day I was so upset, I took some of my things and went to my sisters to stay for a while. I felt like I needed to think about things. I stayed with my sister for about a week and my boyfriend asked me to come back a few times, now that I think back, I was being really stubborn, I decided that I wanted some more time on my own, 2-3 more weeks went by and thats when I ended up meeting another guy ! ! We will call him B, We hit it off right away, we went out a few times and had such a great time. Now, my boyfriend, we'll call him guy A, had no idea I met someone new, however, he told me if I didnt come back in the next couple of days, he was moving on with his life and never to call him again. I was confused and didnt know what to do, but before I could was too late, guy A, would not return any of my calls, I stopped at his house and he just told me he had nothing to say to me and if I didnt come back, that was it. With that being said, things started to progress with guy B, we were together for about 8 months and than out of no where, I ended up running into my ex- guy A, we were so excited to see each other, we ended up going to dinner and had a great time. After all the time apart, I never stopped loving him, when I seen him, it was like we never separated, Guy A, my ex asked me if I wanted to give it another try ! ! Now I am so confused, should I go back with my ex or continue my relationship with guy B. Next thing I know, guy B proposes to me in front of my whole family....I said yes, now here I am wondering if I'm doing the right thing. Both men are very great guys, they are both hard working, caring, good-looking, of course they have different personalities. I can picture myself with both of them, as far as spending the rest of my life with them. I'm so confused, I don't know what to do. Either way, I will hurt someone.

I've thought about this for days and days, I can't decide, I dont want to hurt either one of them.

Can someone please help, any advise ? thank you

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 January 2009):

You have to decide, we can only make you help to make the best decission.

Realize a few things. You were in a great relation for almost 4 years with A, doesn't mean that you can even reach 4 years with B (doesn't want to suggest you can not), but the 1st year is so easy.

You said YES in front of B his family...Ok you did... it will be not easy if you have to explain that you come back on it.

Whatever you decide, do it with dignity and with your Heart.

Follow your feelings, (not your stubborn proud).

Hope it helped, good luck to you.

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