writes:As I said before I'm 14 years old and I think that I may be pregnant! I knew that I would be getting my period soon but, not sure exactly what day. I lost my virginity on February 16th without a condom for the first time, that same night I started to bleed [I know it was my period because, that was around the time I should have got it. I also think that I may be pregnant because, when you’re about to get your period you have eggs in your tubes right and I also have some of the symptoms? However, it lasted for about three days but, it was brown some days and red the next! But, it was unusual for 3 days only…? I usually have it like for a week or even a week and a half. I haven’t got it again. Now It’s April 12th and for the last two weeks my breast been really sore, I’m always hungry and my stomach is constantly growling that’s a sign of you being pregnant, I always have an attitude, head aches are constant, and I always find my self using the bathroom. I think I’m pregnant do you think I am... Oh my god! I’m so, scared my of what my mom will do if I am! Please write back ASAP…!
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be pregnant, condom, lost my virginity, period Reply to this Question Share |
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reader, want2know +, writes (7 June 2010):
im 15 i think im pregnant by an 18 year old i dnt have any symptoms that i know of but my period hasnt came on for almost 2 months.you mite be pregnant. i dont want a baby cuz i like spending money on myself.if i am pregnant my babys dad dont have a job and he has another relationship but he tells me he love me and always say im gonna be his baby momma.if im pregnant my mom is gonna kill me and ill probably get kicked out..i had a pt that came out negative im hoping it was right. im not really thinkn about being preg.but it always come to mind wen “xavier” asks me am i pregnant..i wish yu luck and i pray that i am not pregnant on my 16th birthday..
reader, louiseee +, writes (4 August 2009):
I feel for you hunny.
Im turning 16 in a few months,and I think im pregnant!!
Luckily for me im with a steady boyfriend for about 2 years now. And even though im so young im ready. I've got my mind wrapped around it.
If someone can help me though..I have VERY irregular periods,I could get them every 2 months,or sometimes 3 months or sometimes 3 and a half. There totally random. So im not sure when to take a pregnancy test. Its not like I would no if I missed my peroid since there irregular.
I have symptoms of pregnancy which are
-implantion bleeding
-lower back ache
-slightly sick in the mornings
I took a prego test and it came up negative but cos my period is so irregular I think I took it too early (1 month after unprotected sex)
Do you think im pregnant
When should I retest?
Thanks xo
reader, betty2032 +, writes (3 November 2008):
the first thing for you is to go for a pregnancy test and after then you will really know what is wrong with u, and i will also advice u to tell your mother about it. she is a woman like you she will be able to know what to do. I Know she won't take it easy with you but she is still your mother, in my own case i started seeing my period when i was 13 and i lost my virginity at 15 and i got pregnant. then i couldn't tell my mum and i decided to do it on my own which i regretted later. Don't be panic try and tell your mother. betty.
reader, anonymous, writes (20 April 2008): i have the same signs i am trying to find out my self i would say take a test and go see your doctor.
reader, anonymous, writes (19 April 2008): Well.
I am 15
and I got pregnant when I was 14
it's been like a year for you
so you should def. know if you are pregnant now
if you are
get an abortion
you do not want to go through what I did at almost 15
reader, anonymous, writes (19 December 2007): I'm in the same position as you here, My girlfreind has the pregnancy symptoms and I am scared of what our family's will have to say on the issue, I'd talk to your parents. Good luck x
reader, anonymous, writes (3 October 2007): Hey, the chances are you probably are pregnant. When you had sex for the first time it probably wasn't your period, you'll find that many people bleed when thy loose their virginity. You're eggs in your ovaries aren't ready to be fertillised all the time. They are released into the fallopian tube around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. The best thing to do is talk to your mum. I am 15, and i have had many pregnancy scares. i had one when I was 13 and i found the best thing to do was talk to my mum, or maybe a close adult and get a home pregnancy test. I can't control you here, but i think abortion is bad, and to be honest, it is your fault for not using a condom. But a lot of people say that babies ruin your life, so that is your choice. I suggest in the future you use birth control sweetheart.
reader, anonymous, writes (17 September 2007): Calm down. First of all the best thing to do is to be honest. It may be very hard for you but find a time when your parents are calm and aren't busy and tell them whats on your mind. They MAY flip out, but honesty is what your parents expect from you. Tell them first that this is very hard for you to say and you don't know what they will react like like. Of course your parents will always love you and support you, they will worry and help you through your confusion at a young age. You then can see a docor and/or have a pragnancy test done with the help from your parents.
reader, anonymous, writes (17 September 2007): Calm down. First of all the best thing to do is to be honest. It may be very hard for you but find a time when your parents are calm and aren't busy and tell them whats on your mind. They MAY flip out, but honesty is what your parents expect from you. Tell them first that this is very hard for you to say and you don't know what they will react like like. Of course your parents will always love you and support you, they will worry and help you through your confusion at a young age. You then can see a docor and/or have a pragnancy test done with the help from your parents.
reader, anonymous, writes (9 September 2007): When I was 15 years old I had lost my Virginity and a couple of times had some pretty scary pregnancy scares. I have been pregnant a couple times and because of certain situations had to make the most difficult decision of my life. I am now 23 years old and under stand what it is like being scared, especially when it comes to talking to your parents. I did not end up keeping the babies and I believe for me at that time was the right decision. There are a couple things you have to know and consider before talking to anyone.A.) Would I be able to look after this baby? ( Does'nt mean Financially just emotionally)B.) Consider the things you would give up, most likely school/hanging with friends/ Dateing other people...exc..C.) only you can make this decision DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYONE but yourself and your feelings. Obviously you are hormonel right now.After I had my abortions I regretted one of them and wish I never was pressured in to it. Now at 23 I can happily say I am pregnant and happier than ever that I had waited to at least get out of High School. People don't tend to just as much now and I feel great that I have been with my Boyfriend for almost three years... I have some sense of security. So good luck to you guys and don't listen to anyone but your self or your doctor.
reader, anonymous, writes (4 September 2007): OMG! same here ever since i lost my viginity my schedual has been all messed up. One month i would have my period early and in the same month i would have it towards the end, and the next mont i wouldn't have it. This month I haven't had it al all and im really scared... I dont know what to do, but my mom knows I have had sex, but what to tell her im pregnant if it does happen:S
reader, anonymous, writes (20 August 2007): I had a baby when I was 16 and thought I would have to give it up for adoption because the father wanted nothing to do with it. I was scared, and felt very alone. I had to sit down and tell my mother that I thought I was pregnant. That was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, I knew she would be upset because that is not how she raised me. I am proud to say that I got lucky and did get to keep my baby and she is now 6 years old. Raising here was not hard at all. It was supporting her financialy that was the hard part. I never got to go places with my friends at night, I was not getting much sleep at night, exspecially when she was sick. I had to drop out of school to get a job. (which is very hard to do without diploma or GED). All you can do now is talk to your mom and have faith in god and yourself. In the end it will turn out just right. I don't think you need to be lectured on having sex at your age cause I know that you are thinking very hard about it right now. Good luck girl. I wish you the best.
reader, anonymous, writes (27 May 2007): hey my name is anitra and im 15 years old i to once had that problem. i missed my period by six days and had all the symptoms like sore breast and hungriness the hold works !anyways on the six day of my missed period i got this reddish/brownish stuff in my panties i thought for sure i was pregnant because i read about it in a pregnancy book me and my friend checked. iwas so freaked because my boyfriend told me i was pregnant because he to was feeling weriod. so i talk to my mom because my friend told me it would be ok so i did turns out that i might be 5 days pregnagt as of today. the point is talk to ur mom and she'll have the answer and if your to scare like iwas on my first pregnacy just go buy a pregnancy test from the store.but my opinon is to talk to your mom abouy and go the doctor mostly like your not pregnant but just under a lot of stress.and your mind is just playin tricks on you like you are.then ask your boyfriend did he nut in you mostly likely he knows and just doesnt want to tell you good luck and dont worry or stress and remember talk to your mom she'll understand
reader, anonymous, writes (11 May 2007): hi im laura im 13 well i feel for you really my sister who his now 17 had sex fro mthe age of 13 at 14 year old 2 month befor her 15 birthday she fell pregnant she didnt tell any one till she was 16 weeks gone she was too scared
but when she did no one was mad every one was shocked and mad that she had sex at that age but no one got onto her because she was preganant she is now 17 and lives still with me and my parents and i have a lovely baby neice having a baby is tiring has i can tell through my sister but its your choice if you want to keep it also i missed my periods for about 1 month but i havent had sex but it might just be somthing that happens once in a while to are bodys go see ure gp or take a hope pregnancy test
i hope everything gose well for you and good luck if you are pregnant
reader, anonymous, writes (2 May 2007): I know your scared. I had the same feeling when I was 15. I didn't tell my mom and I was really upset. I told my boyfriend but he only broke up with me. I felt alone. You should talk to your mom. It turned out I had a miscarriage after someone told my mom. She was really mad that I had done that with my boyfriend but she was more upset that i didn't tell her. Talk to her please, mothers only want to help and stop having sex because your only 14, a baby would ruin your teenage years and their the best! Just talk to your mom.
reader, anonymous, writes (20 April 2007): Hey I really feel bad 4 u.I'm 13 and i think i'm pregnant 2. I've been pregnant b4 and ur symptoms seem bout right. U could b pregnant.I think i'm pregnant again bcause when my period came it was so light i could have used a pantyliner if i anted 2,, It's not normal 4 me but u shuldn't stress on it. My boyfriend knows and i think he a lil nervous i talked 2 my nerse about it and she thinks I could possibly b pregnant but i don't know wish u the best wishes
reader, anonymous, writes (19 April 2007): hay,i know what you re going through, im in the same place as you are, im scared of what my mom will think and i dont know how to tell her,hunny im not going to get up at you for what you have done, im turning 15 in a few mounths and i really dont know what to do. but all i can tell you is to get in contact with ur boyfriend and tell your mom together! thats what me and my partner are going to do.good luckCrystal
reader, anonymous, writes (14 April 2007): Dear, please buy an early pregnancy test at the pharmacy and follow the intstructions. Please talk to your mother about this and the fact that you are having sex, and unprotected sex at that, she has your best interests at heart and may be disappointed in you if that is not how she raised you, but she would much rather know so that she can help you be responsible and make better choices than to not know.
Because of your age, you are at a high risk of getting pregnant and are at a huge risk of getting the HP virus that causes uterine cancer, which can be fatal. Condoms do not protect you against HP virus, but they do protect pretty well from other STD's, and their failure rate for pregnancy is about 3 in 10, so you are protected about 70% from getting pregnant using a condom, add spermicidal foam and the protection rate goes up to about 90%. The birth control pill is the safest form of pregnancy protection and the most effective that we have available today, but it relies on you using it correctly and consistently.
You need to make an appointment with an ob gyn doctor to discuss all of this, and he or she can advise you about getting a vaccine that just came out for the HP virus. You don't ever have to have sexual intercourse again until you are much older if you don't want to.
Stop and think about how scared you are now, you know it is wrong to have sex at your age when you are not married and you cannot support yourself much less a child, you know you have your whole life ahead of you to have adult sexual relationships, and you are no where near adulthood....so stop and think about the consequences of your most recent behavior, and decide to be a smart girl instead of a dumb one.....don't do things to make yourself look cool, it isn't cool to have a unwanted pregnancy.
reader, Wendyg +, writes (13 April 2007):
Nobody on here hun can tell you if you are pregnant or not. Whilst its harder to fall pregnant at that time, its not impossible, so yes you could be pregnant, or no you might not be. The only way you will know for sure is to get a pregancy test. You have to take this test to know for sure... There is no safe time for having unprotected sex. NO safe time whatsoever. You should always protect yourself not just from pregnancy but STI's and STD's aswell.
Get in contact with your GP and they can advise you the best way to get a test taken in the states if you dont want to go to a pharmacy.
Hun you have to always protect yourself. Act now and get a test and then you can worry about what to do if you are infact pregnant. This is causing you alot of stress and could delay your period, but let that be a warning to be more responsible next time hun.
Fingers crossed you have had a lucky escape.
Take care x x
reader, anonymous, writes (13 April 2007): The risk of getting pregnant on the day you get your period is fairly low as the egg is being expelled from your uterus when you get your period. This reduces the chances of the egg being fertilized and implanting into your uterus. You are still very young and at your age your periods are still settling in so it can be quite normal to have irregular periods. Of all the symptomsm you have described really only 2 of them are signs of pregnancy, breast sorness and going to the bathroom alot, but sore breast can also just be a part of puberty. I think the only thing you can do is get yourself a pregnancy test. You need to find out because if you are pregnant you will be nearly 2 months along. If you aren't pregnant i hope YOU HAVE LEARNT YOUR LESSON???!!!???? Don't have unprotected sex!! Next time you think about having unprotected sex think about how scared you are feeling right now and use protection. What ever happens you have got some serious thinking to do about what descions you make in life. I don't mean to be harsh with you but you are so young and you have so much more life to live, being a teenager is hard enough without adding a pregnancy to your problems. Goodluck
reader, say_anything +, writes (13 April 2007):
the first thing you have to do is take a test. don't waste any time about doing this because i know of girls who were too afraid to get their hands on one, kept putting it off and ended up in pretty bad situations - even the one who turned out not to be pregnant as she was in fact having a medical problem that made her suspect she was.
however, the fact your periods were unusual doesn't mean your pregnant necessarily because you're really young so they're likely to be irregular at times.
the things you're experiencing could be symptoms of pregnancy, but also if you've been very worried about this (understandably) then that could cause headaches and the "attitude" you were talking about.
please don't panic & just make sure you take a test - then at least you'll know where you are. i really hope everything works out for you.
good luck.
reader, anonymous, writes (13 April 2007): sounds like you may well be. I think you should get a pregancy test kit and confirm wether you are. If so you have options depending what you want to do about it.Im not sure of the legalities because of your age and I guess your doctor would advise best. You may have to face telling your mum but I know those that havent ever told if opted for termination