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I want to call him as he suggested. Any tips about prom and... him?

Tagged as: Dating, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (17 April 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 17 April 2008)
A female , *ellachic385 writes:

I'm going to my prom with my friend's brother.

It was her idea to have us go together. She is going with his friend. She realized while picking out the tuxes that it might be akward.

Me and my two friends and our prom dates (none of us are a couple yet) went to the mall to get the tuxes and then proceeded to walk around.

My dress is a coral so he has to wear a coral vest and tie. He was so happy that it wasn't pink that he hugged me. Someone tried to say something about him and he was like I don't care I have a new friend and put his arms around me. He let me pick out the entire outfit. When we were walking one of the guys ran in front of me and he was all "Don't cut her off."

Then at the end of the night I gave him a hug and he picked me up! He told me to give him a call if I wanted to hangout later. It was about 9:15.

I didn't call because when we left about 15 minutes later I felt sick so I had her bring me home.

I guess he is single. Last I knew he was going out with his on again off again girlfriend of a few years.

I want to call him. Any tips about prom and him?


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A male reader, salvation United Kingdom +, writes (17 April 2008):

i would say yes talk to her about it and if you like him go for it it sounds like you both get on. But relationships dont always last so dont potentialy lose a friend over it. If she isnt comfortable with it talk it out more take it slow. Good luck

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A female reader, bellachic385 +, writes (17 April 2008):

bellachic385 is verified as being by the original poster of the question

bellachic385 agony auntI want to hangout with him.

I have a game today and tommorow should I ask him to go?

Or plan for all of us to hangout again.

The whole thing is weird because he's my friend's brother.

Should I talk to her about it?

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