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I prefer older men, am I normal?

Tagged as: Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (27 June 2012) 4 Answers - (Newest, 28 June 2012)
A female age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I don't know why but I think I prefer much older men. It's not so much the maturity of older guys but the immaturity of guys my age. I don't know what it is but I just find myself being more drawn to them. This doesn't mean that just because a guy is over 30 that I am automatically attracted to him. That's not it by any means. I just can't bring myself to relate to any guys my age. Is something wrong with me? Is it really bad that I feel more attracted to older men?

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A female reader, Paula4u United Kingdom +, writes (28 June 2012):

Paula4u agony auntI am married and my husband is 24 years older. When we first met I was in my mid thirties. I am now 58. Yes it works sometimes older men simply have more consideration and love and patience. The wise ones get rid of their wild hairs and have learned their lessons. Older men tend to be wiser and more mature, I myself found it far nicer than having to proof my love over and over to an insecure selfish young man who hasnot got a clue what a woman is about.

On the other hand In todays climate young 30 year old men now seem to have very little finesse compared to twenty .years ago. SO each case is different. Age gaps do work but in my own opinion I feel you should relax and widen your horizon, be patient because perhaps a men in your own age group will be just as mature as the older ones.. So give it time will you get older yourself. What is the rush?

Warning, if you ever do wind up being with a man that is much older and you both share a happy life. Age has no discrimination my husband has Alzheimers now, nothing will take away the love I feel for him no matter what he says or does as he is longterm ill now but its not a bed of roses when your partner is so much older .. he is 83 now.

Its normal for you to be attracted to a real man when spotty teenagers are around you but consider why this man is even looking Is it just for a quickie sex? Be safe out there!

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (28 June 2012):

The idea that teenage guys are immature is greatly exaggerated. Biologically the two sexes are barely 2 years apart or less. And that difference is most present in the early teens, no later teens and 20s. The truth is a long way from justifying a 16yo girl dating a 23yo man for example.

There are lots of mature teenage guys but they don't attract teenage girls by being mature. Think about it, what would a really mature guy look like in his teens? Almost everything for teenage guys that attracts attention or girls or social points is basically rooted in acting immature. The mature teenage guys are the boring ones who don't ever get in trouble and do their homework.

Most teenage girls say (and believe) they want a mature guy but most of them really want an older guy. Given the choice between a mature boy their age, or an immature older guy, teen girls will be more interested in the immature older guy almost every time.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (28 June 2012):

It depends. What do you mean by "older"? Someone who is 20? That's fine. Someone who is 30? That's a little far. But I can understand and relate to you because when I was your age, boys were just too immature. No worries though, just be patient and wait until you graduate high school to pursue a "real" relationship. When you're 18, dating someone up to 25 is fine. Be careful of anyone older though. Since most men wouldn't date someone so young, they might have other motives. Like sex or just wanting someone young to play around with.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (28 June 2012):

I'd say that there is nothing wrong with this at all. I'm 25 and my girlfriend is a few years younger than me but even she has once mentioned that she likes older guys and/or prefers her man to be older than her, or something like that along those lines. With the way some other males younger than me act and behave in general, can you blame a woman for preferring older men, who are often more mature, for starters?!

And, anyway, I'm of the belief that age shouldn't [within reason, of-course] matter!


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