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I don't think he likes me, but I like him! How do I tell him my feelings?

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Question - (17 March 2007) 3 Answers - (Newest, 17 March 2007)
A female United States age 51-59, anonymous writes:

How do i tell a guy i have liked him for a really long time when i dont think he likes me?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (17 March 2007):

So you say that you think that he doesn't like you? That doesn't mean that you are 100 percent sure that he doesn't like you does it? And you'll never know whether he likes you or not until you tell him your feelings. Maybe he likes you back but is scared about giving out the signal as he thinks that you don't like him back. Tell him how you feel or if that is too hard write a letter to him instead.

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A female reader, agony aunt j United Kingdom +, writes (17 March 2007):

agony aunt j agony auntAre you and this guy friends or are you just "there"? Why do yo think he doesn't like you? you never know until you give it a try. Perhaps just flirt a bit but dont make yourself look stupid, you dont want to mess things up. If you really like him, just be yourself and maybe casually ask if he wants to do something one day?

Hope everything works out:)

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A male reader, kenny United Kingdom + , writes (17 March 2007):

kenny agony auntWhat makes you think he does not like you?.

Without knowing to much about your situation here i would say the best way would be to just go up to him and ask him if he fancies doing something one night. Build up a friendship first then tell him how you feel.

Hope it goes well, and good luck x

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