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How do I get over my husband leaveing me for somebody else??

Tagged as: Big Questions, Breaking up, Marriage problems<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 April 2006) 3 Answers - (Newest, 20 April 2006)
A female , anonymous writes:

My husband of 21 yrs left me for someone else just before christmas and i feel so lonely and unloved how do i begin to get over it?

View related questions: christmas, unloved

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (20 April 2006):

Try to acknowledge that his leaving was about him, not you. He was the one with the problem, presumably mid life crisis.

I am so sorry that it has made you feel unloved. you are not. Many people loved you before and still do. You were loved by him for a long time as well, he may have ended it but that doesn't trash all the happy years.

Talk to a counsellor, they will help you see that his leaving was about his feelings about himself. you were not to blame. Take some comfort in the fact that his new relationship will be difficult, built on the wreckage he has left behind.It may not even survive.

A counsellor will help you work through your sadness and then your anger, which will come. All these things are normal, as the months go on you will cope a little better, then you will be ready to find a new life for yourself. It will take time and the rawness will ease, but not for now and not without some care. Just aim to put one foot in front of the other for now, one day you'll be walking just fine. I'm so sorry for your pain.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (20 April 2006):

Hi, first of all you have to open your mind by accepting that you don´t have your husband at your side anymore. If he left you because he doesn´t love you. It is sad to think that you have gave him 21 years of your life to him, but life is like that. You should try to find more activities for yourself in art, books, etc. and change your image...the point is that you are living for you and to see things on a bright side. God maybe wanted this for you and has a new & better life for you ahead. The best advice, think positive & be happy! Good Luck!!!

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A female reader, Angel ron +, writes (20 April 2006):

Angel ron agony auntHey there Iam really sorry to hear what has happened to you it is not somehthing you are going to get over just like that . It takes time for you to get over the pain and hurt.

All I can suggest to you is may be get some conseilling go out with some friends and spend a bit more time with your family that also helps as well.

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