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How can I tell if this girl is gay or bi and if she could be interested in me?

Tagged as: Gay relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (16 August 2011) 3 Answers - (Newest, 19 August 2011)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Ok girls and boys gay and straight, I need your help!!!! Can you give me 10 tell tale signs this girl is interested in me?! I must say she does wear a ring on her engagement ring finger and as far as I know she is with somebody - I'm not going to lie.....but she could be interested, right? These things happen! How can I tell? Plus I'm a girl so how do I know if she's a lesbian or bi too?!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (19 August 2011):

Well aint really any for sure signs but , I guess trying to tk to you even if its about nothing , looking at you alot , and just tk to her , like to find out if shes lesbiand or bi , is when ur tking say stuff like oh i had this girlfrend ... blahblah , so she knows tht ur interesded it girls then ask her bout her love life and stuff and if she has a ring on her finger say whose the lucky man , and she might sayy oh its a women or then she mite say its a man still , i dunno im just thinking of anything lo hope ive helped xxx

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (17 August 2011):

Interested or not is completely irrelevant. She's engaged. Move on.

What does it matter her sexual preferences? She's with someone, that tells you all you need to know. Perhaps she's closeted, perhaps she not, it HAS happened before, but when someone is already in a committed relationship with someone else, regardless of your own feelings, you respect that and stay the hell away.

Flynn 24

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A male reader, BTMFS United States +, writes (17 August 2011):

I have found that most women want to sex/experiment with other women. I have been told by ex gfs that they aren't gay but they want to look at/play with beautiful women's parts

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