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He's 14 to my 15. He had a Gf but broke up. Should I keep talking online to him?

Tagged as: Age differences, Crushes, Friends, Teenage, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (29 October 2014) 2 Answers - (Newest, 29 October 2014)
A female Australia age 22-25, anonymous writes:

There’s this guy at my school in the year below me and I've had my eye on him for a while (just thinking he's cute and what not), but when i found out my friend knew him i made a move and found out he had a girlfriend.

We talked for a while and then just stopped talking. About two weeks later hear for some friends in his year that they broke up. I waited a week before talking to him, but when we did talk i was so happy and we picked up our conversation form last time.

We don't really talk face to face much because he's always with his friends and I feel like I shouldn't go up to him because I'm in an older year (because i know what it feels like to have someone in an older year fancy you), but I catch him looking at me sometimes and he catches me looking at him sometimes.

I need help I don't now where to go from here, should i just keep talking to him online or what should I do i need help please!!!!

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A male reader, olderthandirt  +, writes (29 October 2014):

olderthandirt agony aunt"Talking" online is NOT really talking. You can't read facial expressions during the "chat" so my advice is to get off line and convert to the real world.

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A female reader, RubyBirtle United Kingdom +, writes (29 October 2014):

Well, things certainly won't develop into anything further if you only talk online.

So you'll either have to suggest during one of your online conversations that you and he spend some actual time together out of school.(i.e a date or something like it)

Or you'll have to bite the bullet and start talking to him when you see him at school. Just because YOU found it an uncomfortable experience being admired by someone who was a year above you, HE might not. He isn't you and might even enjoy it.

All you've got to do is start saying "Hi" and exchanging pleasantries or a bit of banter when you see him. Nothing heavy.

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