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Don’t want her beautician friend doing my make up!

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Question - (23 July 2024) 0 Answers - (Newest, )
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

A few months ago I met a friend of mines friend at her birthday. We got chatting and it turns out she owns her own beauty salon and she will be doing our make up for my friends wedding later this year.

I decided to book myself in for some treatments and on both occasions I’ve been unimpressed and don’t want her to do my make up for the wedding.

She has a salon at her home.

The first treatment she did for me was my nails - gel but she was so distracted throughout the appointment- she took a phone call whilst doing them and then kept forgetting which ones she cured and also how many layers of polish she had applied.

Plus the nail polish she used looked like it had been opened for ages as it was all gloopy.

I should have said something but I hate speaking up for myself so didn’t.

She also seemed like she was rushing and barely made any conversation, it just felt so awkward.

The nails barely lasted 10 days when usually they last 3 weeks.

Then I decided to give her another go with a massage but again she proved how unprofessional she was. She actually stopped midway through because her dishwasher had finished and it was beeping so she said she was just going to go switch it off but was gone 10 minutes- she decided to empty it whilst she was down there.

Then someone was at her door so she went to answer it - it was her neighbor who was back from holiday and she was chatting to her for another 10 minutes.

Again I felt rushed and she seemed distracted.

The massage should have been an hour but when I checked my watch it had been 50 minutes - plus takeaway 20 the minutes she spent emptying the dishwasher and taking to her neighbor so I only got a 30 minute massage! Again stupid me didn’t say anything.

She then asked about my nails and I explained to her they didn’t last long and she said it was because I didn’t take proper care of them! I explained this wasn’t the case as I’m used to gel nails and know how to look after them and she made excuses and was being a little rude!

Obviously I will not be using her again for my treatments but my friend has her booked to do our make up for her wedding- which we have to pay for ourselves! I really don’t hold much hope and I dislike her attitude.

Is there any way I can somehow get out of her doing my make up without admitting to my friend that I dislike how her beautician friend does things? After all I will be paying and really don’t want to waste my money on her.

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